. */ // switch off error handling, to use custom handler error_reporting(0); // set script time out higher, to help with thumbnail generation set_time_limit(240); $tinybrowser = array(); // Session control and security check - to enable please uncomment if(isset($_GET['sessidpass'])) session_id($_GET['sessidpass']); // workaround for Flash session bug session_start(); $tinybrowser['sessioncheck'] = 'upload_dir'; //name of session variable to check // Random string used to secure Flash upload if session control not enabled - be sure to change! $tinybrowser['obfuscate'] = 'yeah'; // Set default language (ISO 639-1 code) $tinybrowser['language'] = 'fr'; // Set the integration type (TinyMCE is default) $tinybrowser['integration'] = 'tinymce'; // Possible values: 'tinymce', 'fckeditor' // Default is rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'/') (suitable when using absolute paths, but can be set to '' if using relative paths) $tinybrowser['docroot'] = rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'/'); //$tinybrowser['docroot'] = ''; // Folder permissions for Unix servers only $tinybrowser['unixpermissions'] = 0777; // File upload paths (set to absolute by default) $tinybrowser['path']['image'] = $_SESSION["upload_dir"].'/images/'; // Image files location - also creates a '_thumbs' subdirectory within this path to hold the image thumbnails $tinybrowser['path']['media'] = $_SESSION["upload_dir"].'/media/'; // Media files location $tinybrowser['path']['file'] = $_SESSION["upload_dir"].'/files/'; // Other files location /* $tinybrowser['path']['image'] = $pz_user_dir."/images/"; $tinybrowser['path']['media'] = $pz_user_dir."/media"; $tinybrowser['path']['file'] = $pz_user_dir."/files"; */ // File link paths - these are the paths that get passed back to TinyMCE or your application (set to equal the upload path by default) $tinybrowser['link']['image'] = $tinybrowser['path']['image']; // Image links $tinybrowser['link']['media'] = $tinybrowser['path']['media']; // Media links $tinybrowser['link']['file'] = $tinybrowser['path']['file']; // Other file links // File upload size limit (0 is unlimited) $tinybrowser['maxsize']['image'] = 0; // Image file maximum size $tinybrowser['maxsize']['media'] = 0; // Media file maximum size $tinybrowser['maxsize']['file'] = 0; // Other file maximum size // Image automatic resize on upload (0 is no resize) $tinybrowser['imageresize']['width'] = 0; $tinybrowser['imageresize']['height'] = 0; // Image thumbnail source (set to 'path' by default - shouldn't need changing) $tinybrowser['thumbsrc'] = 'path'; // Possible values: path, link // Image thumbnail size in pixels $tinybrowser['thumbsize'] = 80; // Image and thumbnail quality, higher is better (1 to 99) $tinybrowser['imagequality'] = 80; // only used when resizing or rotating $tinybrowser['thumbquality'] = 80; // Date format, as per php date function $tinybrowser['dateformat'] = 'd/m/Y H:i'; // Permitted file extensions $tinybrowser['filetype']['image'] = '*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png'; // Image file types $tinybrowser['filetype']['media'] = '*.swf, *.dcr, *.mov, *.qt, *.mpg, *.mp3, *.mp4, *.mpeg, *.avi, *.wmv, *.wm, *.asf, *.asx, *.wmx, *.wvx, *.rm, *.ra, *.ram'; // Media file types $tinybrowser['filetype']['file'] = '*.*'; // Other file types // Prohibited file extensions $tinybrowser['prohibited'] = array('php','php3','php4','php5','phtml','asp','aspx','ascx','jsp','cfm','cfc','pl','bat','exe','dll','reg','cgi', 'sh', 'py','asa','asax','config','com','inc'); // Default file sort $tinybrowser['order']['by'] = 'name'; // Possible values: name, size, type, modified $tinybrowser['order']['type'] = 'asc'; // Possible values: asc, desc // Default image view method $tinybrowser['view']['image'] = 'thumb'; // Possible values: thumb, detail // File Pagination - split results into pages (0 is none) $tinybrowser['pagination'] = 0; // TinyMCE dialog.css file location, relative to tinybrowser.php (can be set to absolute link) $tinybrowser['tinymcecss'] = '../../themes/advanced/skins/default/dialog.css'; // TinyBrowser pop-up window size $tinybrowser['window']['width'] = 770; $tinybrowser['window']['height'] = 480; // Assign Permissions for Upload, Edit, Delete & Folders $tinybrowser['allowupload'] = true; $tinybrowser['allowedit'] = true; $tinybrowser['allowdelete'] = true; $tinybrowser['allowfolders'] = true; // Clean filenames on upload $tinybrowser['cleanfilename'] = true; // Set default action for edit page $tinybrowser['defaultaction'] = 'delete'; // Possible values: delete, rename, move // Set delay for file process script, only required if server response is slow $tinybrowser['delayprocess'] = 0; // Value in seconds ?>