0) sleep($tinybrowser['delayprocess']); // Initialise files array and error vars $files = array(); $good = 0; $bad = 0; $dup = 0; $total = (isset($_GET['filetotal']) ? $_GET['filetotal'] : 0); // Assign get variables $folder = $tinybrowser['docroot'].urldecode($_GET['folder']); $foldernow = urlencode(str_replace($tinybrowser['path'][$_GET['type']],'',urldecode($_GET['folder']))); $passfeid = (isset($_GET['feid']) ? '&feid='.$_GET['feid'] : ''); if ($handle = opendir($folder)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && substr($file,-1)=='_') { //-- File Naming $tmp_filename = $folder.$file; $dest_filename = $folder.rtrim($file,'_'); //-- Duplicate Files if(file_exists($dest_filename)) { unlink($tmp_filename); $dup++; continue; } //-- Bad extensions $nameparts = explode('.',$dest_filename); $ext = end($nameparts); if(!validateExtension($ext, $tinybrowser['prohibited'])) { unlink($tmp_filename); continue; } //-- Rename temp file to dest file rename($tmp_filename, $dest_filename); $good++; //-- if image, perform additional processing if($_GET['type']=='image') { //-- Good mime-types $imginfo = getimagesize($dest_filename); if($imginfo === false) { unlink($dest_filename); continue; } $mime = $imginfo['mime']; // resize image to maximum height and width, if set if($tinybrowser['imageresize']['width'] > 0 || $tinybrowser['imageresize']['height'] > 0) { // assign new width and height values, only if they are less than existing image size $widthnew = ($tinybrowser['imageresize']['width'] > 0 && $tinybrowser['imageresize']['width'] < $imginfo[0] ? $tinybrowser['imageresize']['width'] : $imginfo[0]); $heightnew = ($tinybrowser['imageresize']['height'] > 0 && $tinybrowser['imageresize']['height'] < $imginfo[1] ? $tinybrowser['imageresize']['height'] : $imginfo[1]); // only resize if width or height values are different if($widthnew != $imginfo[0] || $heightnew != $imginfo[1]) { $im = convert_image($dest_filename,$mime); resizeimage($im,$widthnew,$heightnew,$dest_filename,$tinybrowser['imagequality'],$mime); imagedestroy($im); } } // generate thumbnail $thumbimg = $folder.'_thumbs/_'.rtrim($file,'_'); if (!file_exists($thumbimg)) { $im = convert_image($dest_filename,$mime); resizeimage ($im,$tinybrowser['thumbsize'],$tinybrowser['thumbsize'],$thumbimg,$tinybrowser['thumbquality'],$mime); imagedestroy ($im); } } } } closedir($handle); } $bad = $total-($good+$dup); // Check for problem during upload if($total>0 && $bad==$total) Header('Location: ./upload.php?type='.$_GET['type'].$passfeid.'&permerror=1&total='.$total); else Header('Location: ./upload.php?type='.$_GET['type'].$passfeid.'&folder='.$foldernow.'&badfiles='.$bad.'&goodfiles='.$good.'&dupfiles='.$dup); ?> TinyBrowser :: Process Upload

Sorry, there was an error processing file uploads.