$env->erreur("Impossible de lire la liste des groupes");
- $groupes_in = "";
- foreach($groupes["list"] as $id_groupe => $groupe) $groupes_in .= ($groupes_in ? "," : "").$id_groupe;
- $invitations = array("list" => array(), "total" => 0);
- if($groupes_in){
- if(
- (
- $invitations = $data->list_sml_sources_invitations(
- array(
- "index_name" => "id",
- "where"=> "id_author IN(".$groupes_in.") OR id_user=".$this->user["id"],
- "order_by" => "date_invitation",
- "order" => "DESC"
- )
- )
- ) === false
- ){
- $env->erreur("Impossible de lire la liste des invitations");
- return;
- }
+ if(($invitations = $data->sources_invitations($groupes["list"], $this->user["id"])) === false){
+ $env->erreur("Impossible de lire la liste des invitations");
+ return;
foreach($invitations["list"] as $id_invitation => $invitation){
if(!($user = $data->user_by_id($invitation["id_user"]))){
$env->erreur("Impossible de lire la liste des groupes");
- if(($invitations = $data->list_sml_sources_invitations(array("index_name" => "id", "where"=> "id_source=".$source["id"]))) === false){
+ if(
+ (
+ $invitations = $data->list_sml_sources_invitations(
+ array(
+ "index_name" => "id",
+ "filters" => array(
+ array("id_source", "eq", $source["id"])
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) === false
+ ){
$env->erreur("Impossible de lire la liste des invitations pour cette source");
* vide le cache
- function empty_source_cache()
- { $OK = true;
- if(($cache = $this->source_cache_db()) !== false)
- { foreach($cache as $id_cache => $cache_infos)
- { if(!$this->del_source_cache($id_cache, $cache_infos["id_source"]))
- { $OK = false;
+ function empty_source_cache(){
+ $OK = true;
+ if(($cache = $this->source_cache_db()) !== false){
+ foreach($cache as $id_cache => $cache_infos){
+ if(!$this->del_source_cache($id_cache, $cache_infos["id_source"])){
+ $OK = false;
return $permissions;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function sources_invitations($groupes, $id_user){
+ $groupes_in = "";
+ foreach($groupes as $id_groupe => $groupe) $groupes_in .= ($groupes_in ? "," : "").$id_groupe;
+ return $this->list_sml_sources_invitations(
+ array(
+ "index_name" => "id",
+ "where"=> ($groupes_in ? "id_author IN(".$groupes_in.") OR " : "")."id_user=".$id_user,
+ "order_by" => "date_invitation",
+ "order" => "DESC"
+ )
+ );
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class sml_data_authors extends mw_data
+ {
+ var $groupes;
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # groupes
+ #
+ function groupes($id_user = null, $start = null, $alpha = null)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $groupes = array("list" => array(), "total" => 0);
+ if(true || isset($id_user))
+ { if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_authors"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(!isset($alpha) || (isset($v_rst["nom"]) && substr($v_rst["nom"], 0, 1) == $alpha))
+ { if(!isset($id_user) || (isset($v_rst["id_user"]) && $v_rst["id_user"] == $id_user))
+ { $groupes["total"]++;
+ $groupes["list"][$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { $groupes = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ if($groupes !== false)
+ { $n = -1;
+ foreach($groupes["list"] as $id_groupe => $groupe)
+ { $n++;
+ if(isset($start) && $env->config("max_list") && ($n < $start || $n >= ($start + $env->config("max_list"))))
+ { unset($groupes["list"][$id_groupe]);
+ }
+ else
+ { $groupes["list"][$id_groupe]["image_uri"] =
+ ( $groupe["image"] ?
+ $env->path("content")."uploads/".$groupe["image"]
+ : ""
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else $groupes = false;
+ }
+ return $groupes;
+ }
+ function groupe($id)
+ { if(!isset($this->groupes)) $this->groupes = array();
+ if(isset($this->groupes[$id])) return $this->groupes[$id];
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $env = $this->env();
+ if(($groupe = $sgbd->get_data("sml_authors", $id)) !== null)
+ { $groupe["image_uri"] =
+ ( $groupe["image"] ?
+ $env->path("content")."uploads/".$groupe["image"]
+ : ""
+ );
+ }
+ else $groupe = false;
+ if($groupe != false) $this->groupes[$id] = $groupe;
+ return $groupe;
+ }
+ function groupe_exists($nom, $other_than_id = null)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $EXISTS = 0;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_authors"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["nom"]) && $v_rst["nom"] == $nom)
+ { if(isset($other_than_id))
+ { if($v_rst["id"] != $other_than_id) $EXISTS++;
+ }
+ else $EXISTS++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { $EXISTS = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ return $EXISTS;
+ }
+ function add_groupe($id_user, $nom, $image, $description, $email, $contact_form, $captcha)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ return $sgbd->add_data
+ ( "sml_authors",
+ array
+ ( "id_user" => $id_user,
+ "nom" => $nom,
+ "image" => $image,
+ "description" => $description,
+ "email" => $email,
+ "contact_form" => $contact_form,
+ "captcha" => $captcha
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ function set_groupe($id, $nom, $image, $description, $email, $contact_form, $captcha)
+ { if(($groupe = $this->groupe($id)) !== false)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if($nom != $groupe["nom"])
+ { $groupe["nom"] = $nom;
+ if(!$this->maj_source_xml_groupe($groupe)) return false;
+ }
+ return $sgbd->set_data
+ ( "sml_authors",
+ $id,
+ array
+ ( "id_user" => $groupe["id_user"],
+ "nom" => $nom,
+ "image" => $image,
+ "description" => $description,
+ "email" => $email,
+ "contact_form" => $contact_form,
+ "captcha" => $captcha
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function del_groupe($id)
+ { $OK = true;
+ $USED = false;
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $env = $this->env();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources_authors"))
+ { while($source_author = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($source_author))
+ { if($source_author["id_author"] == $id)
+ { $USED = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { $OK = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ if($OK)
+ { if($USED) return 1;
+ return $sgbd->del_data("sml_authors", $id) ? true : false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class sml_data_licences extends mw_data
+ {
+ function licences($start = null)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $licences = array("list" => array(), "total" => 0);
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_licences"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { $licences["total"]++;
+ if(!isset($start) || !$env->config("max_list") || ($licences["total"] > $start && $licences["total"] < ($start + $env->config("max_list"))))
+ { $licences["list"][$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { $licences = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $licences = false;
+ return $licences;
+ }
+ function licence($id)
+ { if($id == 0) return $id;
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ return $sgbd->get_data("sml_licences", $id);
+ }
+ function add_licence($nom, $url)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ return $sgbd->add_data
+ ( "sml_licences",
+ array
+ ( "nom" => $nom,
+ "url" => $url
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ function set_licence($id, $nom, $url)
+ { if(($licence = $this->licence($id)) !== false)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if($nom != $licence["nom"] || $url != $licence["url"])
+ { $licence["nom"] = $nom;
+ $licence["url"] = $url;
+ if(!$this->maj_source_xml_licence($licence)) return false;
+ }
+ return $sgbd->set_data
+ ( "sml_licences",
+ $id,
+ array
+ ( "nom" => $nom,
+ "url" => $url
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function del_licence($id)
+ { $OK = true;
+ $USED = false;
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $env = $this->env();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources"))
+ { while($source = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($source))
+ { if($source["licence"] == $id)
+ { $USED = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { $OK = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ if($OK)
+ { if($USED) return 1;
+ return $sgbd->del_data("sml_licences", $id) ? true : false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class sml_data_source_groupes extends mw_data{
+ function init_groupe_status(){
+ return true;
+ }
+ function source_groupes($id_source)
+ { $env = $this->env();
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $groupes = array();
+ $groupes_status = array();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources_authors"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst) && isset($v_rst["id_author"]) && isset($v_rst["id_source"]) && isset($v_rst["id_sources_access"]))
+ { if($v_rst["id_source"] == $id_source) $groupes_status[$v_rst["id_author"]] = $v_rst["id_sources_access"];
+ }
+ else
+ { $groupes_status = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $groupes_status = false;
+ if($groupes_status === false) return false;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_authors"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst) && isset($v_rst["id"]))
+ { if(isset($groupes_status[$v_rst["id"]]))
+ { $groupes[$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ $groupes[$v_rst["id"]]["id_groupe_status"] = $groupes_status[$v_rst["id"]];
+ $groupes[$v_rst["id"]]["image_uri"] =
+ ( $v_rst["image"] ?
+ $env->path("content")."uploads/".$v_rst["image"]
+ : ""
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { $groupes = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $groupes = false;
+ return $groupes;
+ }
+ function groupes_sources($params){
+ if(!isset($params["groupes"])) return false;
+ if(!isset($params["id_source_access"])) return false;
+ $satisfy_all_groupes_access = true;
+ if(isset($params["satisfy_all_groupes_access"])){
+ $satisfy_all_groupes_access = $params["satisfy_all_groupes_access"] ? true : false;
+ }
+ $source_access_ids = array();
+ if($params["id_source_access"] == $this->id_groupe_status_contributeur()){
+ $source_access_ids[$this->id_groupe_status_contributeur()] = true;
+ $source_access_ids[$this->id_groupe_status_editeur()] = true;
+ $source_access_ids[$this->id_groupe_status_admin()] = true;
+ }
+ elseif($params["id_source_access"] == $this->id_groupe_status_editeur()){
+ $source_access_ids[$this->id_groupe_status_editeur()] = true;
+ $source_access_ids[$this->id_groupe_status_admin()] = true;
+ }
+ elseif($params["id_source_access"] == $this->id_groupe_status_admin()){
+ $source_access_ids[$this->id_groupe_status_admin()] = true;
+ }
+ if(!$source_access_ids) return false;
+ $sources = array();
+ if(!($groupes = $params["groupes"])) return $sources;
+ $author_ids = array();
+ foreach($groupes as $i => $groupe) $author_ids[$groupe["id"]] = true;
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $_sources = array();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources_authors")){
+ while(($_sources !== false) && $v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst)){
+ if(isset($v_rst)){
+ if(
+ isset($v_rst["id"])
+ && isset($v_rst["id_author"])
+ && isset($v_rst["id_source"])
+ && isset($v_rst["id_sources_access"])
+ ){
+ if(
+ isset($source_access_ids[$v_rst["id_sources_access"]])
+ && isset($author_ids[$v_rst["id_author"]])
+ ){
+ $_sources[$v_rst["id_source"]] = array(
+ "id_source" => $v_rst["id_source"],
+ "id_author" => $v_rst["id_author"],
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else $_sources = false;
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $_sources = false;
+ if($_sources === false) return false;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources")){
+ while(($sources !== false) && $v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst)){
+ if(isset($v_rst) && isset($v_rst["id"])){
+ if(isset($_sources[$v_rst["id"]])){
+ if(!isset($sources[$v_rst["id"]])){
+ $sources[$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ $sources[$v_rst["id"]]["authors"] = array();
+ }
+ $sources[$v_rst["id"]]["authors"][] = $_sources[$v_rst["id"]]["id_author"];
+ }
+ }
+ else $sources = false;
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $sources = false;
+ if($_sources === false) return false;
+ foreach($sources as $id_source => $source){
+ if($satisfy_all_groupes_access){
+ if(count($source["authors"]) < count($groupes)){
+ unset($sources[$id_source]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!($sources[$id_source] = $this->load_source($source))) return false;
+ }
+ return $sources;
+ }
+ function source_has_groupe($id_source, $id_groupe){
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources_authors")){
+ while(($HAS_THIS_GROUP !== false) && $v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst)){
+ if(isset($v_rst) && isset($v_rst["id"]) && isset($v_rst["id_author"]) && isset($v_rst["id_source"])){
+ if(
+ ($v_rst["id_source"] == $id_source)
+ && ($v_rst["id_author"] == $id_groupe)
+ ){
+ }
+ }
+ else $HAS_THIS_GROUP = false;
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $HAS_THIS_GROUP = false;
+ return $HAS_THIS_GROUP;
+ }
+ function add_source_groupe($id_source, $id_groupe, $id_groupe_status)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if
+ ( $sgbd->add_data
+ ( "sml_sources_authors",
+ array
+ ( "id_source" => $id_source,
+ "id_author" => $id_groupe,
+ "id_sources_access" => $id_groupe_status
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ { return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function set_source_groupe($id, $id_groupe_status)
+ { if(($groupe = $this->groupe($id)) !== false)
+ { if
+ ( $sgbd->set_data
+ ( "sml_sources_authors",
+ $id,
+ array(
+ "id_sources_access" => $id_groupe_status
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ { return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function del_source_groupes($id_source){
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $OK = true;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources_authors")){
+ while($OK && $v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst)){
+ if(isset($v_rst) && isset($v_rst["id"]) && isset($v_rst["id_source"])){
+ if($v_rst["id_source"] == $id_source) if(!$sgbd->del_data("sml_sources_authors", $v_rst["id"])) $OK = false;
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ return $OK;
+ }
+ function del_source_groupe($id_source, $id_author){
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $OK = true;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources_authors")){
+ while($OK && $v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst)){
+ if(isset($v_rst) && isset($v_rst["id"]) && isset($v_rst["id_author"]) && isset($v_rst["id_source"])){
+ if(
+ ($v_rst["id_source"] == $id_source)
+ && ($v_rst["id_author"] == $id_author)
+ && !$sgbd->del_data("sml_sources_authors", $v_rst["id"])
+ ) $OK = false;
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ return $OK;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function sources_access(){
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $sources_access = array();
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $OK = true;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources_access")){
+ while($OK && $v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst)){
+ if(isset($v_rst) && isset($v_rst["id"])){
+ $sources_access[$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ return $sources_access;
+ }
+ function id_groupe_status_admin() { return 1; }
+ function id_groupe_status_editeur() { return 2; }
+ function id_groupe_status_contributeur() { return 3; }
+ function get_admin_groupe($groupes)
+ { $groupe = array();
+ if(is_array($groupes)) foreach($groupes as $source_groupe)
+ { if($source_groupe["id_groupe_status"] == $this->id_groupe_status_admin())
+ { $groupe = $source_groupe;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $groupe;
+ }
+ function get_editor_groupes($groupes){
+ $editor_groupes = array();
+ if(is_array($groupes)) foreach($groupes as $source_groupe){
+ if(
+ $source_groupe["id_groupe_status"] == $this->id_groupe_status_admin()
+ || $source_groupe["id_groupe_status"] == $this->id_groupe_status_editeur()
+ ){
+ $editor_groupes[] = $source_groupe;
+ }
+ }
+ return $editor_groupes;
+ }
+ function source_permissions($source, $id_user)
+ { $permissions = array
+ ( "admin" => false,
+ "editeur" => false,
+ "contributeur" => false
+ );
+ foreach($source["groupes"] as $id_groupe => $source_groupe)
+ { if($source_groupe["id_user"] == $id_user)
+ { if($source_groupe["id_groupe_status"] == $this->id_groupe_status_admin())
+ { $permissions["admin"] = true;
+ $permissions["editeur"] = true;
+ $permissions["contributeur"] = true;
+ }
+ elseif($source_groupe["id_groupe_status"] == $this->id_groupe_status_editeur())
+ { $permissions["editeur"] = true;
+ $permissions["contributeur"] = true;
+ }
+ elseif($source_groupe["id_groupe_status"] == $this->id_groupe_status_contributeur())
+ { $permissions["contributeur"] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $permissions;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function sources_invitations($groupes, $id_user){
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $invitations = array("list" => array(), "total" => 0);
+ $groupes_in = array();
+ foreach($groupes as $id_groupe => $groupe) $groupes_in[$id_groupe] = true;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources_invitations")){
+ while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst)){
+ if(isset($v_rst)){
+ if(!isset($v_rst["id"])) continue;
+ $MATCH = false;
+ if($groupes_in){
+ if(
+ isset($v_rst["id_author"])
+ && isset($groupes_in[$v_rst["id_author"]])
+ ){
+ $MATCH = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(
+ && isset($v_rst["id_user"])
+ && $id_user == $v_rst["id_user"]
+ ){
+ $MATCH = true;
+ }
+ if($MATCH){
+ $invitations["list"][$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ $invitations["total"]++;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $invitations = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $invitations = false;
+ return $invitations;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class sml_data_sources extends mw_data{
+ var $status;
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # status de source
+ #
+ function source_status()
+ { if(!isset($this->status)) $this->status = $this->init_sources_status();
+ return $this->status;
+ }
+ function init_sources_status()
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $status = array();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_classes"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { $status[$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ }
+ else
+ { $status = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $status = false;
+ return $status;
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # sources
+ #
+ function init_sources_table(){
+ return true;
+ }
+ function sources($params)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $env = $this->env();
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // filtres
+ $start = isset($params["start"]) ? $params["start"] : null;
+ $id_user = isset($params["id_user"]) ? $params["id_user"] : null;
+ $id_groupe = isset($params["id_groupe"]) ? $params["id_groupe"] : null;
+ $status = isset($params["status"]) ? $params["status"] : null;
+ $id_source = isset($params["id_source"]) ? $params["id_source"] : null;
+ $id_composition = isset($params["id_composition"]) ? $params["id_composition"] : null;
+ $id_source_derivation = isset($params["id_source_derivation"]) ? $params["id_source_derivation"] : null;
+ $id_licence = isset($params["id_licence"]) ? $params["id_licence"] : null;
+ $order_by = isset($params["order_by"]) ? $params["order_by"] : "ordre";
+ $order = isset($params["order"]) ? $params["order"] : "ASC";
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // infos pour verifier les filtres
+ if(isset($id_user) || isset($id_groupe))
+ { $in_source_ids = array();
+ $in_groupe_ids = array();
+ if(isset($id_groupe)) $in_groupe_ids[$id_groupe] = true;
+ else
+ { if(($groupes = $this->groupes($id_user)) !== false)
+ { foreach($groupes["list"] as $id_groupe => $groupe) $in_groupe_ids[$id_groupe] = true;
+ }
+ else return false;
+ }
+ $OK = true;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources_authors"))
+ { while($OK && $v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst) && isset($v_rst["id_source"]) && isset($v_rst["id_author"]))
+ { if(isset($in_groupe_ids[$v_rst["id_author"]])) $in_source_ids[$v_rst["id_source"]] = true;
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ if(!$OK) return false;
+ }
+ $compositions = array();
+ if(isset($id_source))
+ { if(($compositions = $this->source_compositions(array("id_source" => $id_source))) === false)
+ { return false;
+ }
+ }
+ elseif(isset($id_composition))
+ { if(($compositions = $this->source_compositions(array("id_composition" => $id_composition))) === false)
+ { return false;
+ }
+ }
+ $derivations = array();
+ if(isset($id_source_derivation))
+ { if(($derivations = $this->source_derivations($id_source_derivation)) === false)
+ { return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // boucle principale
+ $sources = array("list" => array(), "total" => 0);
+ $res = array();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst)) $res[$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ else
+ { $res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ if($res !== false)
+ { $res = $this->ordonne($res, $order_by, $order);
+ foreach($res as $id_res => $v_rst)
+ { // ------------------------------- par defaut
+ $MATCH = true;
+ // ------------------------------- filtre sur id_user et id_groupe
+ if(isset($in_source_ids))
+ { $MATCH = isset($in_source_ids[$v_rst["id"]]) && $in_source_ids[$v_rst["id"]];
+ }
+ // ------------------------------- filtre sur status
+ if($MATCH)
+ { $MATCH = !isset($status) || (isset($v_rst["id_class"]) && $v_rst["id_class"] == $status);
+ }
+ // -------------------------------- filtre sur id_source
+ if($MATCH)
+ { if(isset($id_source))
+ { $MATCH = false;
+ if($compositions && is_array($compositions[$id_source]))
+ { foreach($compositions[$id_source] as $id_composition)
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id"]) && $v_rst["id"] == $id_composition)
+ { $MATCH = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------- filtre sur id_composition
+ if($MATCH)
+ { if(isset($id_composition))
+ { if($id_composition)
+ { $MATCH = false;
+ if($compositions && is_array($compositions[$id_composition]))
+ { foreach($compositions[$id_composition] as $_id_source)
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id"]) && $v_rst["id"] == $_id_source)
+ { $MATCH = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { if($compositions)
+ { if(isset($compositions[$v_rst["id"]])) $MATCH = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------- filtre sur id_source_derivation
+ if($MATCH)
+ { if(isset($id_source_derivation))
+ { $MATCH = false;
+ if($derivations && is_array($derivations[$id_source_derivation]))
+ { foreach($derivations[$id_source_derivation] as $_id_derivation)
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id"]) && $v_rst["id"] == $_id_derivation)
+ { $MATCH = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------- filtre sur la licence
+ if($MATCH)
+ { if(isset($id_licence))
+ { $MATCH = false;
+ if(isset($v_rst["licence"]) && $v_rst["licence"] == $id_licence) $MATCH = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------- filtre sur quantite de resultats
+ if($MATCH)
+ { $sources["total"]++;
+ $MATCH = !isset($start) || !$env->config("max_list") || ($sources["total"] > $start && $sources["total"] <= ($start + $env->config("max_list")));
+ }
+ // -------------------------------- ajout aux resultats si MATCH
+ if($MATCH) $sources["list"][$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else return false;
+ foreach($sources["list"] as $id_source => $source){
+ if(($sources["list"][$source["id"]] = $this->load_source($source)) === false) return false;
+ }
+ return $sources;
+ }
+ function source($id, $load = false)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if(($source = $sgbd->get_data("sml_sources", $id)) !== false){
+ $source["status"] = $source["id_class"];
+ $source = $load ? $this->load_source($source) : $this->get_source_from_v_rst($source);
+ return $source;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function get_source_from_v_rst($v_rst)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $source = $this->empty_source();
+ foreach($v_rst as $rst_key => $rst_value) $source[$rst_key] = $rst_value;
+ $source["status"] = $source["id_class"];
+ if($source["reference"])
+ { if(!is_array($source["reference"]))
+ { $reference_url = $source["reference"];
+ $source["reference"] = $this->empty_source();
+ $source["reference"]["xml"]["url"] = $reference_url;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { if(!is_array($source["licence"]))
+ { $source["licence"] = array
+ ( "id" => $source["licence"]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return $source;
+ }
+ function load_source($source){
+ $env = $this->env();
+ if(!isset($source["id"])) return false;
+ $source = $this->get_source_from_v_rst($source);
+ $source["xml"] = array
+ ( "url" => $this->source_xml_url($source["id"]),
+ "content" => $this->get_source_xml($source["id"])
+ );
+ $source["documents"] = array();
+ if(($source["groupes"] = $this->source_groupes($source["id"])) === false) return false;
+ $source["image_uri"] =
+ ( isset($source["image"]) && $source["image"] ?
+ $env->path("content")."uploads/".$source["image"]
+ : ""
+ );
+ if(($source["has_sources"] = $this->has_sources($source["id"])) === false) return false;
+ if(($source["has_derivations"] = $this->source_derivations(array("derivation" => $source["id"]))) === false) return false;
+ if(($source["derivations"] = $this->source_derivations(array("id_source" => $source["id"]))) === false) return false;
+ if(($source["reference"] = $this->source_reference($source)) === false) return false;
+ if($user = $env->user()){
+ if(($source["permissions"] = $this->source_permissions($source, $user["id"])) === false) return false;
+ }
+ if(!$source["reference"])
+ { if(($source["documents"] = $this->source_documents($source["id"])) === false) return false;
+ }
+ return $source;
+ }
+ function add_source
+ ( $groupes,
+ $titre,
+ $status,
+ $licence,
+ $documents = array(),
+ $reference = array(),
+ $derivations = array(),
+ $infos = array()
+ )
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $source = array
+ ( "id_class" => $status,
+ "reference" => $reference ? $reference["xml"]["url"] : null,
+ "titre" => $reference ? null : $titre,
+ "licence" => $reference ? null : $licence,
+ "date_creation" => isset($infos["date_creation"]) ? $infos["date_creation"] : null,
+ "date_inscription" => isset($infos["date_inscription"]) ? $infos["date_inscription"] : date("Y-m-d")
+ );
+ foreach($infos as $key => $value) if(!isset($source[$key])) $source[$key] = $value;
+ $id = $sgbd->add_data("sml_sources", $source);
+ if(!isset($id)) return false;
+ foreach($groupes as $id_groupe => $groupe)
+ { if($groupe["id"] && $groupe["id_groupe_status"])
+ { if(!$this->add_source_groupe($id, $groupe["id"], $groupe["id_groupe_status"])) return false;
+ }
+ else return false;
+ }
+ foreach($derivations as $source_derivation)
+ { if
+ ( ( $id_source_derivation = $this->add_source_derivation
+ ( $id,
+ $source_derivation["xml"]["url"],
+ $source_derivation["xml"]["use_edit_content"] ? $source_derivation["xml"]["content"] : ""
+ )
+ ) === false
+ )
+ { return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if($reference)
+ { if($reference["xml"]["use_edit_content"])
+ { if(!$this->set_edit_reference_content($id, $reference["xml"]["content"]))
+ { return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { foreach($documents as $document)
+ { if(!$this->add_source_document($id, $document)) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$this->set_source_xml($id)) return false;
+ return $id;
+ }
+ function set_source
+ ( $id,
+ $groupes,
+ $titre,
+ $status,
+ $licence,
+ $documents = array(),
+ $reference = array(),
+ $derivations = array(),
+ $infos = array()
+ )
+ { if($source = $this->source($id))
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $source["reference"] = $reference ? $reference["xml"]["url"] : null;
+ $source["titre"] = $reference ? null : $titre;
+ $source["licence"] = $reference ? null : $licence;
+ $source["date_creation"] = isset($infos["date_creation"]) ? $infos["date_creation"] : null;
+ foreach($infos as $key => $value) $source[$key] = $value;
+ if(!$sgbd->set_data("sml_sources", $id, $source)) return false;
+ if(!$this->del_source_groupes($id)) return false;
+ foreach($groupes as $id_groupe => $groupe)
+ { if($groupe["id"] && $groupe["id_groupe_status"])
+ { if(!$this->add_source_groupe($id, $groupe["id"], $groupe["id_groupe_status"])) return false;
+ }
+ else return false;
+ }
+ if(!$this->del_source_derivations($id)) return false;
+ if(!$this->del_edit_reference_content($id)) return false;
+ if(!$this->del_source_documents($id)) return false;
+ foreach($derivations as $source_derivation)
+ { if
+ ( ( $id_source_derivation = $this->add_source_derivation
+ ( $id,
+ $source_derivation["xml"]["url"],
+ $source_derivation["xml"]["use_edit_content"] ? $source_derivation["xml"]["content"] : ""
+ )
+ ) === false
+ )
+ { return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if($reference)
+ { if($reference["xml"]["use_edit_content"])
+ { if(!$this->set_edit_reference_content($id, $reference["xml"]["content"]))
+ { return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { foreach($documents as $document)
+ { if(!$this->add_source_document($id, $document)) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$this->set_source_xml($id)) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function set_source_info($id_source, $key, $value)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if($source = $sgbd->get_data("sml_sources", $id_source))
+ { $source[$key] = $value;
+ if($sgbd->set_data("sml_sources", $id_source, $source)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function del_source($id)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if(!$this->del_source_compositions(array("id_source" => $id, "id_composition" => $id))) return false;
+ if(!$this->del_edit_reference_content($id)) return false;
+ if(!$this->del_source_derivations($id)) return false;
+ if(!$this->del_source_xml($id)) return false;
+ if(!$this->del_source_documents($id)) return false;
+ if(!$this->del_source_groupes($id)) return false;
+ if(!$sgbd->del_data("sml_sources", $id)) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # derivations de sources
+ #
+ function init_source_derivations(){
+ return true;
+ }
+ function source_derivations($params)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $derivations = array();
+ // sources dont "id_source" est une derivation
+ if(isset($params["id_source"]))
+ { if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_source_derivations"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id"]) && isset($v_rst["id_source"]) && $v_rst["id_source"] == $params["id_source"])
+ { $derivations[$v_rst["id"]] = array();
+ $derivation_edit_file = $this->derivation_edit_xml_path($v_rst["id_source"], $v_rst["id"]);
+ if(file_exists($derivation_edit_file))
+ { if(($derivation_edit_content = $this->get_edit_derivation_content($v_rst["id_source"], $v_rst["id"])) !== false)
+ { if(($derivations[$v_rst["id"]] = $this->source_xml_read($v_rst["derivation"], $derivation_edit_content)) !==false)
+ { $derivations[$v_rst["id"]]["xml"] = array
+ ( "url" => $v_rst["derivation"],
+ "content" => $derivation_edit_content,
+ "use_edit_content" => true
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ { $derivations = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { $derivations = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { if(($derivations[$v_rst["id"]] = $this->source_xml_read($v_rst["derivation"])) !==false)
+ { $derivations[$v_rst["id"]]["id_source"] = $v_rst["id_source"];
+ }
+ else $derivations[$v_rst["id"]] = $this->empty_source();
+ }
+ $derivations[$v_rst["id"]]["id_source"] = $v_rst["id_source"];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { $derivations = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ if(!isset($derivations)) return false;
+ return $derivations;
+ }
+ // sources qui derivent de "derivation"
+ elseif(isset($params["derivation"]))
+ { $source_xml_url = $params["derivation"];
+ if(preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $source_xml_url)) $source_xml_url = $this->source_xml_url($source_xml_url);
+ $id_sources = array();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_source_derivations"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id_source"]) && isset($v_rst["derivation"]) && $v_rst["derivation"] == $source_xml_url)
+ { $id_sources[$v_rst["id_source"]] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else { $id_sources = false; break; }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $id_sources = false;
+ if($id_sources === false) return false;
+ if($id_sources)
+ { if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id"]) && isset($id_sources[$v_rst["id"]]))
+ { $derivations[$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ }
+ }
+ else { $derivations = false; break; }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $derivations = false;
+ }
+ return $derivations;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function source_derivation($id)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ return $sgbd->get_data("sml_source_derivations", $id);
+ }
+ function add_source_derivation($id_source, $derivation, $edit_content = "")
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $id_source_derivation = $sgbd->add_data
+ ( "sml_source_derivations",
+ array
+ ( "id_source" => $id_source,
+ "derivation" => $derivation
+ )
+ );
+ if(isset($id_source_derivation))
+ { if($edit_content)
+ { if(!$this->set_edit_derivation_content($id_source, $id_source_derivation, $edit_content))
+ { $id_source_derivation = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else $id_source_derivation = false;
+ return $id_source_derivation;
+ }
+ function set_source_derivation($id_source_derivation, $id_source, $derivation, $edit_content = "")
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if
+ ( ( $sgbd->set_data
+ ( "sml_source_derivations",
+ $id_source_derivation,
+ array
+ ( "id_source" => $id_source,
+ "derivation" => $derivation
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ { if($edit_content)
+ { if(!$this->set_edit_derivation_content($id_source, $id_source_derivation, $edit_content))
+ { return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function del_source_derivation($id_source_derivation)
+ { if(($derivation = $this->source_derivation($id_source_derivation)) !== false)
+ { if(($derivations = $this->source_derivations(array("id_source" => $derivation["id_source"]))) !== false)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if(!$sgbd->del_data("sml_source_derivations", $id_source_derivation)) return false;
+ if(count($derivations) > 1)
+ { return $this->del_edit_derivation_content($derivation["id_source"], $id_source_derivation);
+ }
+ else return $this->del_edit_derivations($derivation["id_source"]);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function del_source_derivations($id_source)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $id_source_derivations = array();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_source_derivations"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id"]) && isset($v_rst["id_source"]) && $v_rst["id_source"] == $id_source)
+ { $id_source_derivations[] = $v_rst["id"];
+ }
+ }
+ else { $id_source_derivations = false; break; }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $id_source_derivations = false;
+ if($id_source_derivations === false) return false;
+ if($id_source_derivations)
+ { foreach($id_source_derivations as $id_source_derivation)
+ { if(!$sgbd->del_data("sml_source_derivations", $id_source_derivation)) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->del_edit_derivations($id_source);
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # references
+ #
+ function source_reference($source)
+ { $reference = array();
+ if($source["reference"])
+ { if(!is_array($source["reference"]))
+ { $source["reference"] = array
+ ( "url" => $source["reference"],
+ "content" => "",
+ "use_edit_content" => false
+ );
+ }
+ $reference_edit_file = $this->reference_edit_xml_path($source["id"]);
+ if(file_exists($reference_edit_file))
+ { if(($reference_edit_content = $this->get_edit_reference_content($source["id"])) !== false)
+ { if(($reference = $this->source_xml_read($source["reference"], $reference_edit_content)) !==false)
+ { $reference["xml"] = array
+ ( "url" => $source["reference"]["xml"]["url"],
+ "content" => $reference_edit_content,
+ "use_edit_content" => true
+ );
+ }
+ else return false;
+ }
+ else return false;
+ }
+ else
+ { if(($reference = $this->source_xml_read($source["reference"]["xml"]["url"])) ===false)
+ { $reference = $this->empty_source();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $reference;
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # documents
+ #
+ function source_documents($id_source)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $documents = array();
+ if($sgbd->data_exists("sml_sources/".$id_source))
+ { if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_sources/".$id_source))
+ { $OK = true;
+ while($OK && ($document = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst)))
+ { if(isset($document)) $documents[$document["id"]] = $document;
+ else $OK = false;
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ if(!$OK) return false;
+ }
+ return $documents;
+ }
+ function add_source_document($id_source, $document)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if(!$sgbd->data_exists("sml_sources/".$id_source))
+ { if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_sources/".$id_source)) return false;
+ }
+ if
+ ( !( $id_document = $sgbd->add_data
+ ( "sml_sources/".$id_source,
+ array
+ ( "nom" => $document["nom"],
+ "url" => $document["url"]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) return false;
+ return $id_document;
+ }
+ function del_source_documents($id_source)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if($sgbd->data_exists("sml_sources/".$id_source))
+ { if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_sources/".$id_source)) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # compositions de sources
+ #
+ function source_compositions($params)
+ { $id_source = isset($params["id_source"]) ? $params["id_source"] : null;
+ $id_composition = isset($params["id_composition"]) ? $params["id_composition"] : null;
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $compositions = array();
+ if(isset($id_source))
+ { if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_source_compositions"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id_source"]) && isset($v_rst["id_composition"]) && $v_rst["id_source"] == $id_source)
+ { if(!isset($compositions[$v_rst["id_source"]])) $compositions[$v_rst["id_source"]] = array();
+ $compositions[$v_rst["id_source"]][] = $v_rst["id_composition"];
+ }
+ }
+ else { $compositions = false; break; }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $compositions = false;
+ }
+ elseif(isset($id_composition))
+ { if($id_composition)
+ { if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_source_compositions"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id_source"]) && isset($v_rst["id_composition"]) && $v_rst["id_composition"] == $id_composition)
+ { if(!isset($compositions[$v_rst["id_composition"]])) $compositions[$v_rst["id_composition"]] = array();
+ $compositions[$v_rst["id_composition"]][] = $v_rst["id_source"];
+ }
+ }
+ else { $compositions = false; break; }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $compositions = false;
+ }
+ else
+ { if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_source_compositions"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id_source"])) $compositions[$v_rst["id_source"]] = true;
+ }
+ else { $compositions = false; break; }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $compositions = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return $compositions;
+ }
+ function set_source_composition($id_source, $id_composition)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if
+ ( $sgbd->add_data
+ ( "sml_source_compositions",
+ array
+ ( "id_source" => $id_source,
+ "id_composition" => $id_composition
+ )
+ )
+ ) return $this->set_source_xml($id_composition);
+ return false;
+ }
+ function del_source_compositions($params)
+ { $OK = true;
+ $id_source = isset($params["id_source"]) ? $params["id_source"] : null;
+ $id_composition = isset($params["id_composition"]) ? $params["id_composition"] : null;
+ $to_delete = array();
+ $to_update = array();
+ if(isset($id_composition)) $to_update[$id_composition] = true;
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_source_compositions"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id"]) && isset($v_rst["id_source"]) && isset($v_rst["id_composition"]))
+ { if
+ ( (isset($id_source) && $v_rst["id_source"] == $id_source)
+ || (isset($id_composition) && $v_rst["id_composition"] == $id_composition)
+ ) $to_delete[] = $v_rst["id"];
+ if(isset($id_source) && $v_rst["id_source"] == $id_source) $to_update[$v_rst["id_composition"]] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else { $OK = false; break; }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ if(!$OK) return false;
+ foreach($to_delete as $id_source_composition)
+ { if(!$sgbd->del_data("sml_source_compositions", $id_source_composition)) return false;
+ }
+ foreach($to_update as $id_source_xml => $delete)
+ { if(!$this->set_source_xml($id_source_xml)) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function has_sources($id_composition)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $has_sources = 0;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_source_compositions"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id_source"]) && isset($v_rst["id_composition"]))
+ { if($v_rst["id_composition"] == $id_composition)
+ { $has_sources = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { $has_sources = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $has_sources = false;
+ return $has_sources;
+ }
+ function source_ariane($id_source, $ariane = array())
+ { if(($compositions = $this->source_compositions(array("id_source" => $id_source))) !== false)
+ { if(isset($compositions[$id_source]) && $compositions[$id_source])
+ { foreach($compositions[$id_source] as $id_composition)
+ { if(($ariane = $this->source_ariane($id_composition, $ariane)) !== false)
+ { if(($ariane[$id_composition] = $this->source($id_composition)) !== false)
+ {
+ }
+ else $ariane = false;
+ }
+ else $ariane = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else $ariane = false;
+ return $ariane;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class sml_data_sources_cache_db extends mw_data
+ {
+ function source_cache_db()
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $source_cache = array();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_source_cache"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id"])) $source_cache[$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ }
+ else
+ { $source_cache = false;
+ $break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $source_cache = false;
+ return $source_cache;
+ }
+ function source_cache_infos_db($url)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $cache_infos = array();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("sml_source_cache"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id"]) && isset($v_rst["url"]))
+ { if($v_rst["url"] == $url)
+ { $cache_infos = $v_rst;
+ $break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { $cache_infos = false;
+ $break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else $cache_infos = false;
+ return $cache_infos;
+ }
+ function add_source_cache_db($url, $cache_index)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ return $sgbd->add_data
+ ( "sml_source_cache",
+ array
+ ( "url" => $url,
+ "id_source" => $cache_index,
+ "last_update" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
+ )
+ ) ? true : false;
+ }
+ function del_source_cache_db($id_cache_data)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ return $sgbd->del_data("sml_source_cache", $id_cache_data) ? true : false;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
return true;
+ function nb_invitations($env){
+ if($user = $env->user()){
+ $data = $env->data();
+ if($groupes = $data->groupes($user["id"])){
+ if($invitations = $data->sources_invitations($groupes["list"], $user["id"])){
+ return $invitations["total"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
function enable($env){
return true;
$env->bdd("sgbd") == "pdo_sqlite"
) return $this->install_sqlite($env);
+ elseif(
+ $env->bdd("sgbd") == "xml"
+ ) return $this->install_xml($env);
return "Mode de stockage pour Mtweb (".$env->bdd("sgbd").") non supporté par SourceML";
$sql =
- "INSERT INTO `mw_sml_sources_access` (`id`, `nom`, `intitule`) VALUES"\r
+ "INSERT INTO `#--sml_sources_access` (`id`, `nom`, `intitule`) VALUES"\r
."(1, 'admin', 'administrateur'),"\r
."(2, 'editeur', 'éditeur'),"\r
."(3, 'contributeur', 'contributeur')";
$sql =
- "INSERT INTO `mw_sml_sources_access` (`id`, `nom`, `intitule`) VALUES (1, 'admin', 'administrateur')";\r
+ "INSERT INTO `#--sml_sources_access` (`id`, `nom`, `intitule`) VALUES (1, 'admin', 'administrateur')";\r
$sql =
- "INSERT INTO `mw_sml_sources_access` (`id`, `nom`, `intitule`) VALUES (2, 'editeur', 'éditeur')";
+ "INSERT INTO `#--sml_sources_access` (`id`, `nom`, `intitule`) VALUES (2, 'editeur', 'éditeur')";
$sql =
- "INSERT INTO `mw_sml_sources_access` (`id`, `nom`, `intitule`) VALUES (3, 'contributeur', 'contributeur')";
+ "INSERT INTO `#--sml_sources_access` (`id`, `nom`, `intitule`) VALUES (3, 'contributeur', 'contributeur')";
return true;
+ function install_xml($env){
+ $data = $env->data();
+ $sgbd = $data->sgbd();
+ $RES = true;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_authors"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_classes"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_licences"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_sources"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_sources_access"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_sources_authors"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_sources_infos"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_source_cache"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_source_compositions"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_source_derivations"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_source_documents"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ $res = $sgbd->data_exists("sml_sources_invitations"); if(isset($res)){ if($res) $RES = 1; } else $RES = -1;
+ if($RES === -1) return "impossible de savoir si les tables existent deja. installation annulee";
+ if($RES === 1) return "des tables existent deja en base. installation annulee";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_authors")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_authors";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_classes")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_classes";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_licences")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_licences";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_sources")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_sources";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_sources_access")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_sources_access";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_sources_authors")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_sources_authors";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_sources_infos")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_sources_infos";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_source_cache")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_source_cache";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_source_compositions")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_source_compositions";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_source_derivations")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_source_derivations";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_source_documents")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_source_documents";
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("sml_sources_invitations")) return "impossible de creer la table sml_sources_invitations";
+ $ERROR = false;
+ // ------------------------------------ sml_licences
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_licences",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "Creative commons by-sa 2.0",
+ "url" => "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.fr"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_licences",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "Creative Commons by-nc-nd 2.5",
+ "url" => "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_licences",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "Creative Commons by-nc-sa 2.5",
+ "url" => "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_licences",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "Creative Commons by-nc 2.5",
+ "url" => "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_licences",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "Creative Commons by-nd 2.5",
+ "url" => "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.5/"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_licences",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "Creative Commons by-sa 2.5",
+ "url" => "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_licences",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "Creative Commons by 2.5",
+ "url" => "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_licences",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "Licence Art Libre",
+ "url" => "http://artlibre.org/licence/lal/"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_licences",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "Licence C Reaction",
+ "url" => "http://morne.free.fr/Necktar7/creactionfr.htm"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_licences",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "Yellow OpenMusic License",
+ "url" => "http://openmusic.linuxtag.org/yellow.html"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_licences",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "Green OpenMusic License",
+ "url" => "http://openmusic.linuxtag.org/green.html"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ // ------------------------------------ sml_classes
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_classes",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "album"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_classes",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "morceau"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_classes",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "piste"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ // ------------------------------------ sml_sources_access
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_sources_access",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "admin",
+ "intitule" => "administrateur"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_sources_access",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "editeur",
+ "intitule" => "éditeur"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "sml_sources_access",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "contributeur",
+ "intitule" => "contributeur"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if($ERROR){
+ return "les tables ont ete ajoutees en base mais impossible d'y enregistrer les valeurs par defaut.";
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// uninstall
|| $env->bdd("sgbd") == "pdo_mysql"
|| $env->bdd("sgbd") == "pdo_sqlite"
) return $this->uninstall_sql($env);
+ if(
+ $env->bdd("sgbd") == "xml"
+ ) return $this->uninstall_xml($env);
return "Mode de stockage pour Mtweb (".$env->bdd("sgbd").") non supporté par SourceML";
return true;
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // fonctions internes
- //
+ function uninstall_xml($env){
+ $data = $env->data();
+ $sgbd = $data->sgbd();
+ if(!$this->disable($env)) return "impossible de desactiver le plugin";
- function nb_invitations($env){
- if($user = $env->user()){
- $data = $env->data();
- if($groupes = $data->groupes($user["id"])){
- $groupes_in = "";
- foreach($groupes["list"] as $id_groupe => $groupe) $groupes_in .= ($groupes_in ? "," : "").$id_groupe;
- if($groupes_in){
- if(
- (
- $invitations = $data->list_sml_sources_invitations(
- array(
- "index_name" => "id",
- "where"=> "id_author IN(".$groupes_in.") OR id_user=".$user["id"],
- "order_by" => "date_invitation",
- "order" => "DESC"
- )
- )
- ) !== false
- ){
- return $invitations["total"];
- }
- }
- }
+ $ERROR = false;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_authors")) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_classes")) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_licences")) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_sources")) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_sources_access")) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_sources_authors")) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_sources_infos")) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_source_cache")) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_source_compositions")) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_source_derivations")) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_source_documents")) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(!$sgbd->remove_data("sml_sources_invitations")) $ERROR = true;
+ if($ERROR){
+ return "erreur lors de la suppression des tables";
- return 0;
+ return true;