--- /dev/null
+ class mw_data_pages extends mw_data
+ {
+ function page_ariane($id, $ariane = array())
+ { if($page = $this->page($id))
+ { if($page["id_parent"]) $ariane = $this->page_ariane($page["id_parent"], $ariane);
+ $ariane[] = $page;
+ return $ariane;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function pages($params = array())
+ { $id_parent = isset($params["id_parent"]) ? $params["id_parent"] : null;
+ $enabled = isset($params["enabled"]) ? ($params["enabled"] ? "1" : "0") : null;
+ $user = isset($params["user"]) ? $params["user"] : null;
+ $order_by = isset($params["order_by"]) ? $params["order_by"] : null;
+ $order = isset($params["order"]) ? $params["order"] : "ASC";
+ $start = isset($params["start"]) ? $params["start"] : null;
+ $max = isset($params["max"]) ? $params["max"] : null;
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $pages = array("list" => array(), "total" => 0);
+ $SELECT = "SELECT * FROM #--pages";
+ $COUNT_SELECT = "SELECT count(*) as n FROM #--pages";
+ $WHERE = "";
+ $WHERE .= (isset($id_parent) ? ($WHERE ? " AND" : " WHERE")." id_parent".(strlen($id_parent) > 0 ? "=".$this->eq($id_parent) : " IS NULL") : "");
+ $WHERE .= (isset($enabled) ? ($WHERE ? " AND" : " WHERE")." enabled=".$this->eq($enabled) : "");
+ $WHERE .= (isset($user) ? ($WHERE ? " AND" : " WHERE")." user_creation=".$this->eq($user) : "");
+ ( isset($order_by) ?
+ " ORDER BY ".$order_by.(isset($order) ? " ".$order : "")
+ : ""
+ );
+ $LIMIT = isset($max) ? " LIMIT ".$max.(isset($start) ? " OFFSET ".$start : "") : "";
+ $rst = $sgbd->query($sql);
+ if(!isset($rst)) return false;
+ if($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_assoc($rst)) $pages["total"] = $v_rst["n"];
+ $sgbd->free_result($rst);
+ if($pages["total"])
+ $rst = $sgbd->query($sql);
+ if(!isset($rst)) return false;
+ while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_assoc($rst)) $pages["list"][$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ $sgbd->free_result($rst);
+ }
+ return $pages;
+ }
+ function pages_arbo($params = array())
+ { $id_parent = isset($params["id_parent"]) ? $params["id_parent"] : null;
+ $enabled = isset($params["enabled"]) ? ($params["enabled"] ? "1" : "0") : null;
+ $user = isset($params["user"]) ? $params["user"] : null;
+ $order_by = isset($params["order_by"]) ? $params["order_by"] : null;
+ $order = isset($params["order"]) ? $params["order"] : "ASC";
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $arbo = array();
+ if(isset($id_parent))
+ { if($parent = $this->page($id_parent)) $arbo = $parent;
+ else return false;
+ }
+ $arbo["subs"] = array();
+ $SELECT = "SELECT id FROM #--pages";
+ $WHERE = "";
+ $WHERE .= ($WHERE ? " AND" : " WHERE")." id_parent".(isset($id_parent) && $id_parent ? "=".$this->eq($id_parent) : " IS NULL");
+ $WHERE .= (isset($enabled) ? ($WHERE ? " AND" : " WHERE")." enabled=".$this->eq($enabled) : "");
+ $WHERE .= (isset($user) ? ($WHERE ? " AND" : " WHERE")." user_creation=".$this->eq($user) : "");
+ ( isset($order_by) ?
+ " ORDER BY ".$order_by.(isset($order) ? " ".$order : "")
+ : ""
+ );
+ $rst = $sgbd->query($sql);
+ if(!isset($rst)) return false;
+ while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_assoc($rst))
+ { $params["id_parent"] = $v_rst["id"];
+ $arbo["subs"][] = $this->pages_arbo($params);
+ }
+ $sgbd->free_result($rst);
+ return $arbo;
+ }
+ function page($id)
+ { $page = array();
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM #--pages WHERE id=".$this->eq($id);
+ $rst = $sgbd->query($sql);
+ if(!isset($rst)) return false;
+ if($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_assoc($rst)) $page = $v_rst;
+ return $page;
+ }
+ function add_page($params)
+ { $id_parent = isset($params["id_parent"]) ? $params["id_parent"] : null;
+ $title = isset($params["title"]) ? $params["title"] : null;
+ $content = isset($params["content"]) ? $params["content"] : null;
+ $user = isset($params["user"]) ? $params["user"] : null;
+ $enabled = isset($params["enabled"]) ? ($params["enabled"] ? 1 : 0) : 1;
+ $position = isset($params["position"]) ? $params["position"] : 0;
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $sql =
+ "INSERT INTO #--pages"
+ ."(id_parent, title, content, date_creation, user_creation, date_last_update, user_last_update, enabled, position)"
+ ." VALUES"
+ ."( ".$this->eq($id_parent)
+ .", ".$this->eq($title)
+ .", ".$this->eq($content)
+ .", '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"
+ .", ".$this->eq($user)
+ .", '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"
+ .", ".$this->eq($user)
+ .", ".$this->eq($enabled)
+ .", ".$this->eq($position)
+ .")";
+ if($sgbd->query($sql)) return $sgbd->insert_id();
+ return false;
+ }
+ function set_page($id, $params, $RAZ = false)
+ { if($page = $this->page($id))
+ { $id_parent = isset($params["id_parent"]) ? $params["id_parent"] : ($RAZ ? null : $page["id_parent"]);
+ $title = isset($params["title"]) ? $params["title"] : ($RAZ ? null : $page["title"]);
+ $content = isset($params["content"]) ? $params["content"] : ($RAZ ? null : $page["content"]);
+ $user = isset($params["user"]) ? $params["user"] : null;
+ $enabled = isset($params["enabled"]) ? ($params["enabled"] ? 1 : 0) : ($RAZ ? 1 : $page["enabled"]);
+ $position = isset($params["position"]) ? $params["position"] : ($RAZ ? 0 : $page["position"]);
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $sql =
+ "UPDATE #--pages SET"
+ ." id_parent=".$this->eq($id_parent)
+ .", title=".$this->eq($title)
+ .", content=".$this->eq($content)
+ .", date_last_update='".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"
+ .", user_last_update=".$this->eq($user)
+ .", enabled=".$this->eq($enabled)
+ .", position=".$this->eq($position)
+ ." WHERE id=".$this->eq($id);
+ if($sgbd->query($sql)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function del_page($id)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if($sgbd->query("DELETE FROM #--pages WHERE id=".$this->eq($id)))
+ { return $sgbd->query("UPDATE #--pages SET id_parent=NULL WHERE id_parent=".$this->eq($id)) ? true : false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class mw_data_pages extends mw_data
+ {
+ function page_ariane($id, $ariane = array())
+ { if($page = $this->page($id))
+ { if($page["id_parent"]) $ariane = $this->page_ariane($page["id_parent"], $ariane);
+ $ariane[] = $page;
+ return $ariane;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function pages($params = array())
+ { $id_parent = isset($params["id_parent"]) ? $params["id_parent"] : null;
+ $enabled = isset($params["enabled"]) ? ($params["enabled"] ? "1" : "0") : null;
+ $user = isset($params["user"]) ? $params["user"] : null;
+ $order_by = isset($params["order_by"]) ? $params["order_by"] : null;
+ $order = isset($params["order"]) ? $params["order"] : "ASC";
+ $start = isset($params["start"]) ? $params["start"] : null;
+ $max = isset($params["max"]) ? $params["max"] : null;
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $pages = array("list" => array(), "total" => 0);
+ $res = array();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("pages"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst)) $res[$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ else
+ { $res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ if($res !== false)
+ { if(isset($order_by)) $res = $this->ordonne($res, "position", isset($order) ? $order : "ASC");
+ foreach($res as $id_res => $v_rst)
+ { $MATCH = true;
+ if(isset($id_parent))
+ { $MATCH =
+ ( ($id_parent && isset($v_rst["id_parent"]) && ($id_parent == $v_rst["id_parent"]))
+ || ($id_parent == "" && !$v_rst["id_parent"])
+ );
+ }
+ if($MATCH)
+ { if(isset($enabled))
+ { $MATCH = ($v_rst["enabled"] == $enabled);
+ }
+ }
+ if($MATCH)
+ { if(isset($user))
+ { $MATCH = ($v_rst["user_creation"] == $user);
+ }
+ }
+ if($MATCH)
+ { $pages["total"]++;
+ $MATCH = !isset($start) || !$max || ($pages["total"] > $start && $pages["total"] <= ($start + $max));
+ }
+ if($MATCH) $pages["list"][$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else return false;
+ return $pages;
+ }
+ function pages_arbo($params = array())
+ { $params["id_parent"] = isset($params["id_parent"]) ? $params["id_parent"] : "";
+ $params["enabled"] = isset($params["enabled"]) ? ($params["enabled"] ? "1" : "0") : null;
+ $params["user"] = isset($params["user"]) ? $params["user"] : null;
+ $params["order_by"] = isset($params["order_by"]) ? $params["order_by"] : null;
+ $params["order"] = isset($params["order"]) ? $params["order"] : "ASC";
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ $arbo = array();
+ if($params["id_parent"])
+ { if($parent = $this->page($params["id_parent"])) $arbo = $parent;
+ else return false;
+ }
+ $arbo["subs"] = array();
+ if(($subs = $this->pages($params)) !== false)
+ { foreach($subs["list"] as $id_sub => $sub)
+ { $params["id_parent"] = $sub["id"];
+ $arbo["subs"][] = $this->pages_arbo($params);
+ }
+ }
+ return $arbo;
+ }
+ function page($id)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ return ($page = $sgbd->get_data("pages", $id)) ? $page : false;
+ }
+ function add_page($params)
+ { $id_parent = isset($params["id_parent"]) ? $params["id_parent"] : null;
+ $title = isset($params["title"]) ? $params["title"] : null;
+ $content = isset($params["content"]) ? $params["content"] : null;
+ $user = isset($params["user"]) ? $params["user"] : null;
+ $enabled = isset($params["enabled"]) ? ($params["enabled"] ? 1 : 0) : 1;
+ $position = isset($params["position"]) ? $params["position"] : 0;
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ return
+ ( ( $id_page = $sgbd->add_data
+ ( "pages",
+ array
+ ( "id_parent" => $id_parent,
+ "title" => $title,
+ "content" => $content,
+ "date_creation" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
+ "user_creation" => $user,
+ "date_last_update" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
+ "user_last_update" => $user,
+ "enabled" => $enabled,
+ "position" => $position
+ )
+ )
+ ) ? $id_page : false
+ );
+ }
+ function set_page($id, $params, $RAZ = false)
+ { if($page = $this->page($id))
+ { $id_parent = isset($params["id_parent"]) ? $params["id_parent"] : ($RAZ ? null : $page["id_parent"]);
+ $title = isset($params["title"]) ? $params["title"] : ($RAZ ? null : $page["title"]);
+ $content = isset($params["content"]) ? $params["content"] : ($RAZ ? null : $page["content"]);
+ $user = isset($params["user"]) ? $params["user"] : null;
+ $enabled = isset($params["enabled"]) ? ($params["enabled"] ? 1 : 0) : ($RAZ ? 1 : $page["enabled"]);
+ $position = isset($params["position"]) ? $params["position"] : ($RAZ ? 0 : $page["position"]);
+ $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ return $sgbd->set_data
+ ( "pages",
+ $id,
+ array
+ ( "id_parent" => $id_parent,
+ "title" => $title,
+ "content" => $content,
+ "date_creation" => $page["date_creation"],
+ "user_creation" => $page["user_creation"],
+ "date_last_update" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
+ "user_last_update" => $user,
+ "enabled" => $enabled,
+ "position" => $position
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function del_page($id)
+ { $sgbd = $this->sgbd();
+ if($sgbd->del_data("pages", $id))
+ { $OK = true;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("pages"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["id_parent"]) && isset($v_rst["id"]) && $v_rst["id_parent"] == $id)
+ { unset($v_rst["id_parent"]);
+ if(!$sgbd->set_data("pages", $v_rst["id"], $v_rst))
+ { $OK = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else $OK = false;
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ return $OK;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class mw_pages_admin extends mw_mod
+ {
+ function index(&$env)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ if(($arbo = $data->pages_arbo()) !== false)
+ { $env->set_out("arbo", $arbo);
+ $id_parent = isset($_GET[$env->param("parent")]) ? $_GET[$env->param("parent")] : null;
+ if
+ ( ( $pages = $data->pages
+ ( array
+ ( "id_parent" => $id_parent,
+ "order_by" => "position",
+ "order" => "ASC",
+ "start" => isset($_GET[$env->param("start")]) && $_GET[$env->param("start")] ? $_GET[$env->param("start")] : 0,
+ "max" => $env->config("max_list")
+ )
+ )
+ ) !== false
+ )
+ { $env->set_out("pages", $pages);
+ $ariane = array();
+ if($id_parent)
+ { if(($ariane = $data->page_ariane($id_parent)) === false)
+ { $env->erreur("impossible de lire le fil d'ariane");
+ }
+ }
+ $env->set_out("ariane", $ariane);
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire la liste des pages");
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire l'arborescence des pages");
+ }
+ function validate_POST_page(&$env, $page = null)
+ { $page = isset($page) ? $page : array();
+ $_page = array();
+ if(($user = $env->user()) && $user["id"])
+ { if($_POST)
+ { $_page["id_parent"] = isset($_POST["id_parent"]) ? ($_POST["id_parent"] ? $_POST["id_parent"] : null) : ($page["id_parent"] ? $page["id_parent"] : null);
+ $_page["title"] = isset($_POST["title"]) ? $_POST["title"] : ($page["title"] ? $page["title"] : null);
+ $_page["content"] = isset($_POST["content"]) ? $_POST["content"] : ($page["content"] ? $page["content"] : null);
+ $_page["user"] = $user["id"];
+ $_page["enabled"] = isset($_POST["enabled"]) ? $_POST["enabled"] : ($page["enabled"] ? $page["enabled"] : 1);
+ $_page["position"] = isset($_POST["position"]) ? $_POST["position"] : ($page["position"] ? $page["position"] : 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else $env->message("impossible de lire les informations de l'utilisateur");
+ return $_page;
+ }
+ function add(&$env)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ if(($arbo = $data->pages_arbo()) !== false)
+ { $env->set_out("arbo", $arbo);
+ $page = array();
+ if($_POST)
+ { $page = $this->validate_POST_page($env);
+ if(!$env->messages())
+ { if(($id_page = $data->add_page($page)) !== false)
+ { $env->redirect
+ ( $env->url("pages/admin"),
+ "la page a été ajoutée"
+ );
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible d'ajouter la page");
+ }
+ }
+ $env->set_out("page", $page);
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire l'arborescence des pages");
+ }
+ function edit(&$env)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ if($page = $data->page($_GET[$env->param("id")]))
+ { if(($arbo = $data->pages_arbo()) !== false)
+ { $env->set_out("arbo", $arbo);
+ if($_POST)
+ { $page = $this->validate_POST_page($env, $page);
+ if(!$env->messages())
+ { if($data->set_page($_GET[$env->param("id")], $page))
+ { $env->redirect
+ ( $env->url("pages/admin"),
+ "la page a été modifiée"
+ );
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de modifier la page");
+ }
+ }
+ $env->set_out("page", $page);
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire l'arborescence des pages");
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire les informations de la page");
+ }
+ function edit_pages(&$env)
+ { if(($user = $env->user()) && $user["id"])
+ { if($_POST)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ $OK = true;
+ foreach($_POST as $key => $value)
+ { $OK = true;
+ if(substr($key, 0, 9) == "position_")
+ { $id_page = substr($key, 9);
+ $enabled = isset($_POST["enabled_".$id_page]) && $_POST["enabled_".$id_page] ? 1 : 0;
+ if(!$data->set_page($id_page, array("position" => $value, "enabled" => $enabled)))
+ { $env->erreur("impossible d'enregistrer la position");
+ $OK = false;
+ $break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($OK)
+ { $env->redirect
+ ( $env->url("pages/admin"),
+ "Les informations des pages ont été enregistrées"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("donnees manquantes");
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire les informations de l'utilisateur");
+ }
+ function set_accueil(&$env)
+ { if(($user = $env->user()) && $user["id"])
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ $start_action = "";
+ $start_action_params = "";
+ $id_page = $_POST["id"] ? $_POST["id"] : "";
+ if($id_page)
+ { if($page = $data->page($id_page))
+ { $start_action = "pages/view/page";
+ $start_action_params = @serialize(array("id" => $id_page));
+ }
+ else
+ { $start_action = false;
+ $env->erreur("impossible de lire les informations de la page");
+ }
+ }
+ if($start_action !== false && $start_action_params !== false)
+ { if
+ ( $data->set_config("start_action", $start_action)
+ && $data->set_config("start_action_params", $start_action_params)
+ )
+ { $data->set_config("plugins_pages_start_id", $id_page);
+ $env->redirect
+ ( $env->url("pages/admin"),
+ "La page d'accueil a été enregistrée"
+ );
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible d'enregistrer la page d'accueil dans la configuration");
+ }
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire les informations de l'utilisateur");
+ }
+ function del(&$env)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ if($page = $data->page($_GET[$env->param("id")]))
+ { if($data->del_page($page["id"]))
+ { $env->redirect
+ ( $env->url("pages/admin"),
+ "la page a été supprimée"
+ );
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("Impossible de supprimer la page");
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire les informations de la page");
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class mw_pages_index extends mw_mod
+ {
+ function index(&$env)
+ { $env->run("pages/view");
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class mw_pages_view extends mw_mod
+ {
+ function index(&$env)
+ {
+ }
+ function page(&$env)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ if(($arbo = $data->pages_arbo(array("enabled" => 1))) !== false)
+ { $env->set_out("arbo", $arbo);
+ if(($page = $data->page($_GET[$env->param("id")])) && $page["enabled"])
+ { $env->set_out("page", $page);
+ if
+ ( ( $pages = $data->pages
+ ( array
+ ( "id_parent" => $page["id"],
+ "enabled" => 1,
+ "order_by" => "position",
+ "order" => "ASC"
+ )
+ )
+ ) !== false
+ )
+ { $env->set_out("pages", $pages);
+ if(($ariane = $data->page_ariane($page["id"])) !== false)
+ { $env->set_out("ariane", $ariane);
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire le fil d'ariane");
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire la liste des pages");
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire la page");
+ }
+ else $env->erreur("impossible de lire l'arborescence des pages");
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class mw_pages extends mw_plugin
+ {
+ function title($env)
+ { return "Pages";
+ }
+ function description($env)
+ { return "Pour ajouter des pages, avec un éditeur dans l'administration du site";
+ }
+ function init($env)
+ { $env->set_link("plugins/admin/mw_pages", $env->url("pages/admin"), "éditer les pages");
+ $data = $env->data();
+ if
+ ( ( $pages = $data->pages
+ ( array
+ ( "id_parent" => "",
+ "enabled" => 1,
+ "order_by" => "position",
+ "order" => "ASC"
+ )
+ )
+ ) !== false
+ )
+ { foreach($pages["list"] as $id_page => $page)
+ { $env->set_link
+ ( "menu_top/mw_page_".$id_page,
+ $env->url("pages/view/page", array("id" => $id_page)),
+ $page["title"],
+ $page["position"]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function enable($env)
+ { $plugins_pages_start_id = $env->config("plugins_pages_start_id");
+ if($plugins_pages_start_id)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ if
+ ( $data->set_config("start_action", "pages/view/page")
+ && $data->set_config("start_action_params", @serialize(array("id" => $plugins_pages_start_id)))
+ )
+ { return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function disable($env)
+ { $start_action = $env->config("start_action");
+ if($start_action == "pages/view/page")
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ if
+ ( $data->set_config("start_action", "")
+ && $data->set_config("start_action_params", "")
+ )
+ { return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // install
+ //
+ function install($env)
+ { if($env->bdd("sgbd") == "xml") return $this->install_xml($env);
+ if($env->bdd("sgbd") == "sqlite") return $this->install_sqlite($env);
+ if($env->bdd("sgbd") == "mysql") return $this->install_mysql($env);
+ }
+ function install_xml($env)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ $sgbd = $data->sgbd();
+ $EXISTS = $sgbd->data_exists("pages");
+ if(!isset($EXISTS))
+ { return "impossible de savoir si la table #--pages existe";
+ }
+ if($EXISTS)
+ { return "la table #--pages existe deja";
+ }
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("pages"))
+ { return "imposible de creer la table #--pages";
+ }
+ if(!$sgbd->add_data("action_status", array("action" => "pages/admin", "id_status" => "1")))
+ { $sgbd->remove_data("pages");
+ return "impossible d'ajouter un statut pour l'action pages/admin";
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function install_sqlite($env)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ $sgbd = $data->sgbd();
+ $EXISTS = $sgbd->table_exists("#--pages");
+ if(!isset($EXISTS))
+ { return "impossible de savoir si la table #--pages existe";
+ }
+ if($EXISTS)
+ { return "la table #--pages existe deja";
+ }
+ $sql =
+ "CREATE TABLE #--pages"
+ .", id_parent INTEGER NULL"
+ .", title VARCHAR NULL"
+ .", content TEXT NULL"
+ .", date_creation TEXT NOT NULL"
+ .", user_creation INTEGER NOT NULL"
+ .", date_last_update TEXT NOT NULL"
+ .", user_last_update INTEGER NOT NULL"
+ .", position INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"
+ .")";
+ if(!$sgbd->query($sql))
+ { return "imposible de creer la table #--pages";
+ }
+ if(!$sgbd->query("INSERT INTO #--action_status(action, id_status) VALUES('pages/admin', 1)"))
+ { $sgbd->query("DROP TABLE \"main\".\"#--pages\"");
+ return "impossible d'ajouter un statut pour l'action pages/admin";
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function install_mysql($env)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ $sgbd = $data->sgbd();
+ $EXISTS = $sgbd->table_exists("#--pages");
+ if(!isset($EXISTS))
+ { return "impossible de savoir si la table #--pages existe";
+ }
+ if($EXISTS)
+ { return "la table #--pages existe deja";
+ }
+ $sql =
+ "CREATE TABLE #--pages"
+ .", id_parent INT(11) NULL"
+ .", title VARCHAR(255) NULL"
+ .", content TEXT NULL"
+ .", date_creation DATETIME NOT NULL"
+ .", user_creation INT(11) NOT NULL"
+ .", date_last_update DATETIME NOT NULL"
+ .", user_last_update INT(11) NOT NULL"
+ .", enabled TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'"
+ .", position INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"
+ .") DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
+ if(!$sgbd->query($sql))
+ { return "imposible de creer la table #--pages";
+ }
+ if(!$sgbd->query("INSERT INTO #--action_status(action, id_status) VALUES('pages/admin', 1)"))
+ { $sgbd->query("DROP TABLE #--pages");
+ return "impossible d'ajouter un statut pour l'action pages/admin";
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // uninstall
+ //
+ function uninstall($env)
+ { if($env->bdd("sgbd") == "xml") return $this->uninstall_xml($env);
+ if($env->bdd("sgbd") == "sqlite") return $this->uninstall_sqlite($env);
+ if($env->bdd("sgbd") == "mysql") return $this->uninstall_mysql($env);
+ }
+ function uninstall_xml($env)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ $sgbd = $data->sgbd();
+ if(!$this->disable($env)) return "impossible de desactiver le plugin";
+ $data->del_config("plugins_pages_start_id");
+ $EXISTS = $sgbd->data_exists("pages");
+ if(!isset($EXISTS))
+ { return "impossible de savoir si la table #--pages existe";
+ }
+ if(!$EXISTS)
+ { // return "la table #--pages n'existe pas";
+ }
+ elseif(!$sgbd->remove_data("pages"))
+ { return "imposible de supprimer la table #--pages";
+ }
+ $ids = array();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("action_status"))
+ { while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst))
+ { if(isset($v_rst["action"]) && isset($v_rst["id"]) && $v_rst["action"] == "pages/admin")
+ { $ids[] = $v_rst["id"];
+ }
+ }
+ else $ids = false;
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ if($ids !== false)
+ { foreach($ids as $id)
+ { $sgbd->del_data("action_status", $id);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function uninstall_sqlite($env)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ $sgbd = $data->sgbd();
+ if(!$this->disable($env)) return "impossible de desactiver le plugin";
+ $data->del_config("plugins_pages_start_id");
+ $EXISTS = $sgbd->table_exists("#--pages");
+ if(!isset($EXISTS))
+ { return "impossible de savoir si la table #--pages existe";
+ }
+ if(!$EXISTS)
+ { // return "la table #--pages n'existe pas";
+ }
+ elseif(!$sgbd->query("DROP TABLE \"main\".\"#--pages\""))
+ { return "imposible de supprimer la table #--pages";
+ }
+ $sgbd->query("DELETE FROM #--action_status WHERE action='pages/admin'");
+ return true;
+ }
+ function uninstall_mysql($env)
+ { $data = $env->data();
+ $sgbd = $data->sgbd();
+ if(!$this->disable($env)) return "impossible de desactiver le plugin";
+ $data->del_config("plugins_pages_start_id");
+ $EXISTS = $sgbd->table_exists("#--pages");
+ if(!isset($EXISTS))
+ { return "impossible de savoir si la table #--pages existe";
+ }
+ if(!$EXISTS)
+ { // return "la table #--pages n'existe pas";
+ }
+ elseif(!$sgbd->query("DROP TABLE #--pages"))
+ { return "imposible de supprimer la table #--pages";
+ }
+ $sgbd->query("DELETE FROM #--action_status WHERE action='pages/admin'");
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+@import url("../../../../../../out/dist/css/actions/admin.css");
--- /dev/null
+{ list-style-type: none;
+ margin: 5px 20px 5px 10px;
+ padding: 0;
+ul.pages_menu ul
+{ list-style-type: none;
+ margin: 0 0 0 20px;
+ padding: 0;
+ul.pages_menu li
+{ margin: 1px 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #e5e5e5;
+ul.pages_menu li a
+{ display: block;
+ line-height: 2em;
+ padding: 0 1em;
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ul.pages_menu li a:hover
+{ color: #000066;
+ background-color: #f1f1f1;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ if(!function_exists("datetime2timestamp")) :
+ function datetime2timestamp($string)
+ { list($date, $time) = explode(" ", $string);
+ list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $date);
+ list($hour, $minute, $second) = explode(":", $time);
+ $timestamp = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
+ return $timestamp;
+ }
+ endif;
+ if(!function_exists("pages_arbo_navig_lis")) :
+ function pages_arbo_navig_lis($env, $arbo, $ariane = array())
+ { $content = "";
+ if($arbo["subs"])
+ { if($path_item = array_shift($ariane))
+ { foreach($arbo["subs"] as $page)
+ { $content .= "<li".($path_item["id"] == $page["id"] ? " class=\"current\"" : "")."><a href=\"".$env->url("pages/view/page", array("id" => $page["id"]))."\">".$page["title"]."</a></li>\n";
+ if($path_item["id"] == $page["id"])
+ { if($sub_content = pages_arbo_navig_lis($env, $page, $ariane))
+ { $content .=
+ "<ul>\n"
+ .$sub_content
+ ."</ul>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { foreach($arbo["subs"] as $page)
+ { $content .= "<li><a href=\"".$env->url("pages/view/page", array("id" => $page["id"]))."\">".$page["title"]."</a></li>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $content;
+ }
+ endif;
+ if(!function_exists("pages_arbo_edit_select_options")) :
+ function pages_arbo_edit_select_options($arbo, $id_page, $id_parent, $indent_increment = "", $indent = "")
+ { $arbo["id"] = $arbo["id"] ? $arbo["id"] : "";
+ $content =
+ "<option"
+ ." value=\"".$arbo["id"]."\""
+ .(isset($id_parent) && ($arbo["id"] == $id_parent) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "")
+ .">"
+ .$indent.($arbo["id"] ? $arbo["title"] : "Aucune")
+ ."</option>";
+ if($arbo["subs"])
+ { $indent .= $indent_increment;
+ foreach($arbo["subs"] as $i => $sub)
+ { if(!isset($id_page) || $id_page != $sub["id"])
+ { $content .= pages_arbo_edit_select_options($sub, $id_page, $id_parent, $indent_increment, $indent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $content;
+ }
+ endif;
+ if(!function_exists("pages_arbo_list_select_options")) :
+ function pages_arbo_list_select_options($env, $etat, $arbo, $current_page_id, $indent_increment = "", $indent = "")
+ { $arbo["id"] = isset($arbo["id"]) ? $arbo["id"] : "";
+ $content =
+ "<option"
+ ." value=\"".$env->url($etat, array("parent" => $arbo["id"]))."\""
+ .(isset($current_page_id) && ($arbo["id"] == $current_page_id) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "")
+ .">"
+ .$indent.($arbo["id"] ? $arbo["title"] : "Racine des pages")
+ ."</option>";
+ if($arbo["subs"])
+ { $indent .= $indent_increment;
+ foreach($arbo["subs"] as $i => $sub)
+ { $content .= pages_arbo_list_select_options($env, $etat, $sub, $current_page_id, $indent_increment, $indent);
+ }
+ }
+ return $content;
+ }
+ endif;
+ if(!function_exists("pages_arbo_start_select_options")) :
+ function pages_arbo_start_select_options($env, $arbo, $current_start_action, $current_start_action_params, $indent_increment = "", $indent = "")
+ { $arbo["id"] = isset($arbo["id"]) ? $arbo["id"] : "";
+ if($arbo["id"])
+ { $content =
+ "<option"
+ ." value=\"".$arbo["id"]."\""
+ .( isset($current_start_action)
+ && ($current_start_action == "pages/view/page")
+ && isset($current_start_action_params["id"])
+ && ($arbo["id"] == $current_start_action_params["id"])
+ ?
+ " selected=\"selected\""
+ : ""
+ )
+ .">"
+ .$indent.$arbo["title"]
+ ."</option>";
+ }
+ if($arbo["subs"])
+ { $indent .= $indent_increment;
+ $indent .= " ";
+ foreach($arbo["subs"] as $i => $sub)
+ { $content .= pages_arbo_start_select_options($env, $sub, $current_start_action, $current_start_action_params, $indent_increment, $indent);
+ }
+ }
+ return $content;
+ }
+ endif;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+( function()
+ { init_tinymce();
+ }
+function init_tinymce()
+{ $(".tinymce").each
+ ( function()
+ { tinyMCE.execCommand("mceAddControl", true, $(this).attr("id"));
+ }
+ );
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <pages page="page.php">
+ <view>
+ <index content="views/pages/view/index.php" />
+ <page content="views/pages/view/page.php" />
+ </view>
+ <admin page="admin.php">
+ <index content="views/pages/admin/list.php" />
+ <add content="views/pages/admin/add.php" />
+ <edit content="views/pages/admin/edit.php" />
+ </admin>
+ </pages>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr" lang="fr">
+ <head>
+ <?php require $this->out_file("views/head.php"); ?>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="header">
+ <div class="content">
+<?php require $this->out_file("views/header.php"); ?>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="menu_top">
+ <div class="content">
+<?php if($this->out_config("navig_menu_top")) require $this->out_file("views/top_menu.php"); ?>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="clear"><!-- --></div>
+ <div id="main">
+ <div class="content">
+<?php if($this->out_config("colonne")) : ?>
+ <div id="colonne">
+<?php require $this->out_file("views/pages/colonne.php"); ?>
+ </div>
+<?php endif; ?>
+ <div id="center"<?= $this->out_config("colonne") ? "" : " class=\"no_colonne\"" ?>>
+<?php require $this->out_file("views/messages.php"); ?>
+ if($this->out_file_exists($layout["content"])) :
+ require $this->out_file($layout["content"]);
+ endif;
+ </div>
+ <div class="clear"><!-- --></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="footer">
+ <div class="content">
+<?php require $this->out_file("views/footer.php"); ?>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </body>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<?php require $this->out_file("views/tinymce.init.js.php"); ?>
+<h2>Nouvelle page</h2>
+<ul class="admin">
+ <li><a href="<?= $this->url("pages/admin") ?>">Retour à la liste des pages</a></li>
+<form name="page_form" action="<?= $this->url("pages/admin/add") ?>" method="post">
+ <ul class="form">
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ Titre :
+ <input type="text" size="50" name="title" id="title" value="<?= $this->out["page"]["title"] ?>" />
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ Page parente :
+ <select name="id_parent">
+ <?php echo pages_arbo_edit_select_options($this->out["arbo"], null, $this->out["page"]["id_parent"], " "); ?>
+ </select>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <textarea class="tinymce" cols="60" rows="10" name="content" id="content"><?= $this->out["page"]["content"] ?></textarea>
+ </li>
+ <li class="buttons">
+ <input type="submit" value="Ajouter" />
+ </li>
+ </ul>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<?php require $this->out_file("views/tinymce.init.js.php"); ?>
+<h2>Modifier une page</h2>
+<ul class="admin">
+ <li><a href="<?= $this->url("pages/admin") ?>">Retour à la liste des pages</a></li>
+<form name="page_form" action="<?= $this->url("pages/admin/edit", array("id" => $this->out["page"]["id"])) ?>" method="post">
+ <ul class="form">
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ Titre :
+ <input type="text" size="50" name="title" id="title" value="<?= $this->out["page"]["title"] ?>" />
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ Page parente :
+ <select name="id_parent">
+ <?php echo pages_arbo_edit_select_options($this->out["arbo"], $this->out["page"]["id"], $this->out["page"]["id_parent"], " "); ?>
+ </select>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <textarea class="tinymce" cols="60" rows="10" name="content" id="content"><?= $this->out["page"]["content"] ?></textarea>
+ </li>
+ <li class="buttons">
+ <input type="submit" value="Enregistrer" />
+ </li>
+ </ul>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<ul class="admin">
+ <li><a class="add" href="<?= $this->url("pages/admin/add") ?>">Nouvelle page</a></li>
+<form name="accueil_form" action="<?= $this->url("pages/admin/set_accueil") ?>" method="post">
+<ul class="admin">
+ <li>Page d'accueil du site</li>
+ <li>
+ <select name="id">
+ <option value=""<?= $this->config("start_action") ? "" : " selected=\"selected\"" ?>>Page par défaut du site</option>
+ <?php echo pages_arbo_start_select_options($this, $this->out["arbo"], $this->config("start_action"), $this->config("start_action_params"), " "); ?>
+ </select>
+ </li>
+ <li class="buttons">
+ <input type="submit" value="Enregistrer" />
+ </li>
+<ul class="admin">
+ <li>Page parente</li>
+ <li>
+ <select onchange="document.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
+ <option value="<?= $this->url("pages/admin") ?>"<?= isset($_GET[$this->param("parent")]) ? "" : " selected=\"selected\"" ?>>Afficher toutes les pages</option>
+ <?php echo pages_arbo_list_select_options($this, "pages/admin", $this->out["arbo"], $_GET[$this->param("parent")], " "); ?>
+ </select>
+ </li>
+<?php if($this->out["pages"]["total"]) : ?>
+<?php if($this->out["pages"]["total"] > $this->config("max_list")) : ?>
+<?php $items = "pages"; $legend = "pages"; require $this->out_file("views/navig.php"); ?>
+<?php endif; ?>
+<form name="pages_form" action="<?= $this->url("pages/admin/edit_pages") ?>" method="post">
+<table class="admin">
+ <tr>
+ <th>titre</th>
+ <th>date création</th>
+ <th align="center">position</th>
+ <th align="center">active</th>
+ <th align="center" colspan="2">actions</th>
+ </tr>
+<?php foreach($this->out["pages"]["list"] as $id_page => $page) : ?>
+ <tr class="hl">
+ <td><?= $page["title"] ?></td>
+ <td><?= date("j M Y : G\hi", datetime2timestamp($page["date_creation"])) ?></td>
+ <td class="action"><input type="text" size="3" name="position_<?= $id_page ?>" value="<?= $page["position"] ?>" /></td>
+ <td class="action"><input type="checkbox" name="enabled_<?= $id_page ?>" <?= $page["enabled"] ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ?> /></td>
+ <td class="action">
+ <a href="<?= $this->url("pages/admin/edit", array("id" => $id_page)) ?>"
+ class="admin_link"
+ title="modifier cette page"><img src="<?= $this->out_file("icons/edit.gif") ?>" /></a>
+ </td>
+ <td class="action">
+ <a href="<?= $this->url("pages/admin/del", array("id" => $id_page)) ?>"
+ class="admin_link"
+ title="supprimer cette page"><img src="<?= $this->out_file("icons/del.gif") ?>"
+ onclick="return confirm('Supprimer cette page ?')"/></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+ <tr class="hl">
+ <td colspan="2"> </td>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Enregistrer" /></td>
+ <td colspan="2"> </td>
+ </tr>
+<?php else : ?>
+<p>Aucune page pour le moment.</p>
+<?php endif; ?>
--- /dev/null
+ if($this->out["arbo"]) :
+ $current_page_id = isset($_GET[$this->param("id")]) ? $_GET[$this->param("id")] : null;
+<ul class="pages_menu">
+<?php echo pages_arbo_navig_lis($this, $this->out["arbo"], $this->out["ariane"]); ?>
+<?php endif; ?>
--- /dev/null
+<?php $k = 0; foreach($this->out["ariane"] as $page) : if($k < count($this->out["ariane"]) - 1) : ?>
+ <?php if($k > 0) : ?>
+ »
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <a href="<?= $this->url("pages/view/page", array("id" => $page["id"])) ?>"><?= $page["title"] ?></a>
+<?php $k++; endif; endforeach; ?>
+ <?php if($k > 0) : ?>
+ »
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?= $this->out["page"]["title"] ?>
+ <?= $this->out["page"]["content"] ?>
+<?php if($this->out["pages"]["list"]) : ?>
+<ul class="pages_menu">
+<?php foreach($this->out["pages"]["list"] as $page) : ?>
+ <li><a href="<?= $this->url("pages/view/page", array("id" => $page["id"])) ?>"><?= $page["title"] ?></a></li>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+<?php endif; ?>