$env->erreur("la base de données a été installée mais impossible d'ajouter l'administrateur");
+ if(!$env->set_webmaster_user($admin["login"], md5($admin["password"]))){
+ $env->erreur("la base de données a été installée mais impossible d'enregistrer le webmaster");
+ return;
+ }
if(!$content = @file_get_contents($template_file)){
--- /dev/null
+ class mw_upgrade_index extends mw_controller{
+ function validate(){
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $env->load_webmaster_session();
+ return true;
+ }
+ function index(){
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $data = $env->data();
+ $env->set_out("data_version", $data->version("mtweb"));
+ $env->set_out("env_version", $env->version("mtweb"));
+ }
+ function confirm_upgrade(){
+ $env = $this->env();
+ if(!($user = $env->user())){
+ $env->redirect($env->url("upgrade"), "", 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!($webmaster_user = $env->get_webmaster_user())){
+ $env->erreur("impossible de lire le user webmaster");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(
+ ($user["login"] != $webmaster_user["login"])
+ || ($user["password"] != $webmaster_user["password"])
+ ){
+ $env->erreur("identification incorrecte");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(($res = $env->do_data_upgrade()) !== true){
+ $env->erreur("Erreur durant l'upgrade: ".$res);
+ return;
+ }
+ $env->redirect(
+ $env->url(),
+ "La base a été mise à jour"
+ );
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ class mw_upgrade_user extends mw_controller{
+ function validate(){
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $env->load_webmaster_session();
+ return true;
+ }
+ function login(){
+ $env = $this->env();
+ if($_POST){
+ $data = $env->data();
+ $message = "Identifiants incorrects";
+ if($user = $env->webmaster_login(trim($_POST['login']), trim($_POST['pass']))){
+ $message = "Vous êtes maintenant identifié en tant que ".$user['login'];
+ }
+ $env->redirect(
+ $env->url("upgrade"),
+ $message
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function logout(){
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $data = $env->data();
+ $data->logout();
+ $env->redirect($env->url("upgrade"), "", 0);
+ }
+ }
var $user;
- function login($login, $password){
- if(($user = $this->user($login)) !== false){
+ function login($login, $password, $reference_user = null){
+ if(($user = isset($reference_user) ? $reference_user : $this->user($login)) !== false){
+ if(isset($reference_user) && $login != $reference_user["login"]){
+ $this->clear_session();
+ return array();
+ }
if($this->password_ok($user, $password)){
if(!$this->set_session($user)) $user = false;
function password_ok($user, $password){
if(!$user) return false;
- return
+ $OK =
&& (isset($_SESSION[$this->app_session_key()]["ip"]))
&& (strcmp(md5($user["password"].$_SESSION[$this->app_session_key()]["id"]), $password) == 0)
- && ($_SESSION[$this->app_session_key()]["ip"] == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
+ && ($_SESSION[$this->app_session_key()]["ip"] == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])
+ ;
+ return $OK;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return "mw_".str_replace("/", "_", $env->path("web"));
- function load_session(){
+ function load_session($reference_user = null){
if(!isset($_SESSION[$this->app_session_key()]["id"])) $this->clear_session();
$user = array();
- $user = $this->user($_SESSION[$this->app_session_key()]["user"]);
+ $user = isset($reference_user) ? $reference_user : $this->user($_SESSION[$this->app_session_key()]["user"]);
elseif(isset($_COOKIE[$this->app_session_key()."_user"]) && isset($_COOKIE[$this->app_session_key()."_pass"])){
if($user = $this->user($_COOKIE[$this->app_session_key()."_user"])){
+++ /dev/null
- class mw_data extends empty_class{
- function call_default($inst, $method_name, $arguments){
- return $this->call_data_auto_crud($method_name, $arguments);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- class mw_sgbd{
- var $sgbd_impl;
- var $env;
- function mw_sgbd($sgbd_impl, $env){
- $this->sgbd_impl = $sgbd_impl;
- $this->env = $env;
- }
- function extention_ok(){
- return $this->sgbd_impl->extention_ok($this->env);
- }
- function authentication_required(){
- return $this->sgbd_impl->authentication_required();
- }
- function connect($host, $base, $user, $password){
- return $this->sgbd_impl->connect($host, $base, $user, $password);
- }
- function select_db($db_name){
- return $this->sgbd_impl->select_db($db_name);
- }
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SQL
- #
- function desc_table($table_name){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "desc_table")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->desc_table(
- ($prefix_codes = array_keys($this->env->bdd("table_prefix"))) ?
- str_replace($prefix_codes, array_values($this->env->bdd("table_prefix")), $table_name)
- : $table_name
- );
- }
- function table_exists($table_name){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "table_exists")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->table_exists(
- ($prefix_codes = array_keys($this->env->bdd("table_prefix"))) ?
- str_replace($prefix_codes, array_values($this->env->bdd("table_prefix")), $table_name)
- : $table_name
- );
- }
- function field_exists($table_name, $field_name){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "field_exists")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->field_exists(
- (
- $prefix_codes = array_keys($this->env->bdd("table_prefix"))) ?
- str_replace($prefix_codes, array_values($this->env->bdd("table_prefix")), $table_name)
- : $table_name,
- $field_name
- );
- }
- function query($sql){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "query")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->query(
- ($prefix_codes = array_keys($this->env->bdd("table_prefix"))) ?
- str_replace($prefix_codes, array_values($this->env->bdd("table_prefix")), $sql)
- : $sql
- );
- }
- function insert_id(){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "insert_id")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->insert_id();
- }
- function fetch_assoc($rst){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "fetch_assoc")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->fetch_assoc($rst);
- }
- function free_result($rst){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->free_result($rst);
- }
- function close(){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->close();
- }
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # XML
- #
- function data_exists($data_path){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "data_exists")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->data_exists($data_path);
- }
- function create_data($data_path){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "create_data")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->create_data($data_path);
- }
- function get_data($data_path, $data_id){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "get_data")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->get_data($data_path, $data_id);
- }
- function open_data($data_path, $FETCH = true){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "open_data")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->open_data($data_path, $FETCH);
- }
- function fetch_data($dh){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "fetch_data")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->fetch_data($dh);
- }
- function add_data($data_path, $data, $index = null){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "add_data")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->add_data($data_path, $data, $index);
- }
- function last_index($dh){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "last_index")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->last_index($dh);
- }
- function set_data($data_path, $data_id, $data){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "set_data")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->set_data($data_path, $data_id, $data);
- }
- function del_data($data_path, $data_id){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "del_data")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->del_data($data_path, $data_id);
- }
- function close_data($dh){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "close_data")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->close_data($dh);
- }
- function remove_data($data_path){
- if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "remove_data")) return false;
- return $this->sgbd_impl->remove_data($data_path);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class mtweb_xml_version_0_11_2 extends mw_data_version{
+ function version(){
+ return "0.11.2";
+ }
+ function do_upgrade(){
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $data = $env->data();
+ $sgbd = $data->sgbd();
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* action_status */
+ /* devient actions_roles */
+ /* element id_status devient id_role */
+ if(!$sgbd->data_exists("actions_roles")){
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("actions_roles")){
+ return "impossible de créer la table actions_roles";
+ }
+ }
+ if($sgbd->data_exists("action_status")){
+ $action_status = array();
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("action_status")){
+ while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst)){
+ if(isset($v_rst)){
+ $action_status[$v_rst["id"]] = $v_rst;
+ }
+ else{
+ $action_status = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else{
+ return "impossible d'ouvrir la table action_status, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ if($action_status === false){
+ return "impossible de lire la table action_status, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ if($action_status){
+ foreach($action_status as $status){
+ if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "actions_roles",
+ array(
+ "action" => $status["action"],
+ "id_role" => $status["id_status"]
+ )
+ )
+ ){
+ return "erreur lors de la migration de action_status vers actions_roles";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$sgbd->remove_data("action_status")){
+ return "impossible de supprimer la table action_status";
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* config */
+ /* elements key et value */
+ /* */
+ $OK = true;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("config")){
+ while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst)){
+ if(isset($v_rst)){
+ if(!isset($v_rst["key"]) || !isset($v_rst["value"])){
+ $config_key = "";
+ $config_value = "";
+ foreach($v_rst as $key => $value){
+ if($key != "id"){
+ $config_key = $key;
+ $config_value = $value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if($config_key){
+ if(
+ !$sgbd->set_data(
+ "config",
+ $v_rst["id"],
+ array(
+ "key" => $config_key,
+ "value" => $config_value
+ )
+ )
+ ){
+ $OK = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $OK = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else{
+ return "impossible d'ouvrir la table config, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ if(!$OK){
+ return "impossible de mettre à jour la table config, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* user_status */
+ /* devient roles */
+ /* */
+ if(!$sgbd->data_exists("roles")){
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("roles")){
+ return "impossible de creer la table roles, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ $ERROR = false;
+ if(!$ERROR){
+ $res = $sgbd->add_data(
+ "roles",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "guest",
+ "intitule" => "invité"
+ ),
+ 0
+ );
+ if(!isset($res)) $ERROR = true;
+ }
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "roles",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "admin",
+ "intitule" => "administrateur"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "roles",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "membre",
+ "intitule" => "membre"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if(!$ERROR) if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "roles",
+ array(
+ "nom" => "webmaster",
+ "intitule" => "webmaster"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $ERROR = true;
+ if($ERROR){
+ return "impossible de remplir la table roles, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ }
+ if($sgbd->data_exists("user_status")){
+ if(!$sgbd->remove_data("user_status")){
+ return "impossible de supprimer la table user_status";
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* nouvelle table users_roles */
+ /* importer users.status dans users_roles.id_role */
+ if(!$sgbd->data_exists("users_roles")){
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("users_roles")){
+ return "impossible de creer la table users_roles, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ $OK = true;
+ if($rst = $sgbd->open_data("users")){
+ while($v_rst = $sgbd->fetch_data($rst)){
+ if(isset($v_rst)){
+ if(isset($v_rst["status"])){
+ if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "users_roles",
+ array(
+ "id_user" => $v_rst["id"],
+ "id_role" => $v_rst["status"]
+ )
+ )
+ ){
+ $OK = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $OK = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sgbd->close_data($rst);
+ }
+ else{
+ return "impossible d'ouvrir la table users, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ if(!$OK){
+ return "impossible de remplir la table users_roles, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* nouvelle table versions */
+ /* */
+ if(!$sgbd->data_exists("versions")){
+ if(!$sgbd->create_data("versions")){
+ return "impossible de creer la table versions, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* mise a jour de la version des donnees */
+ /* */
+ if(!($env_version = $env->version("mtweb"))){
+ return "impossible de lire la version du code, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ if(
+ $data_version = $data->data_read(
+ array(
+ "table_name" => "versions",
+ "index_name" => "application",
+ "index_value" => "mtweb"
+ )
+ )
+ ){
+ if(
+ !$sgbd->set_data(
+ "versions",
+ $data_version["id"],
+ array(
+ "version" => $this->version()
+ )
+ )
+ ){
+ return "impossible de mettre à jour la version, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(
+ !$sgbd->add_data(
+ "versions",
+ array(
+ "application" => "mtweb",
+ "version" => $this->version()
+ )
+ )
+ ){
+ return "impossible d'ajouter la version, dans ".get_class($this);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
- if(!class_exists("mw_sgbd")) require_once $this->app_file("data/mw_sgbd.php");
- if(!class_exists("mw_data")) require_once $this->app_file("data/mw_data.php");
if(($plugins = $this->plugins("DESC")) === false){
$this->erreur("Impossible de lire les plugins pour charger les modules de donnees", true);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+function prepare_password(session_id){
+ document.forms["login_form"].pass.value = MD5(MD5(document.forms["login_form"].password.value) + session_id);
+ document.forms['login_form'].password.value = "";
+ return true;
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <upgrade page="upgrade.php">
+ <index content="views/upgrade/index.php" />
+ </upgrade>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+<?php require $this->out_file("views/upgrade/head.php"); ?>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <header id="main_header">
+ <div class="content">
+<?php require $this->out_file("views/upgrade/header.php"); ?>
+ </div>
+ </header>
+ <div id="main">
+ <div class="content">
+ <div id="colonne" class="admin">
+<?php require $this->out_file("views/upgrade/colonne.php"); ?>
+ </div>
+ <div id="center">
+<?php require $this->out_file("views/messages.php"); ?>
+<?php if($layout["content"] && $this->out_file_exists($layout["content"])) require $this->out_file($layout["content"]); ?>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <footer id="main_footer">
+ <div class="content">
+<?php require $this->out_file("views/upgrade/footer.php"); ?>
+ </div>
+ </footer>
+ </body>
--- /dev/null
+ <li><a href="http://mtweb.dj3c1t.com/">mtweb</a></li>
--- /dev/null
+ <meta charset="UTF-8">
+ <title>Mtweb - upgrade</title>
+ <!--[if lt IE 9]>\r
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->out_url("js/html5.js"); ?>"></script>\r
+ <![endif]-->
+ <script type="text/javascript"> mw_site_url = "<?php echo $this->path("web") ?>"; </script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->out_url("js/md5.js"); ?>"></script>
+ <?php foreach($this->js_files() as $js_file) : ?>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $js_file; ?>"></script>
+ <?php endforeach; ?>
+ <?php foreach($this->css_files() as $css_file) : ?>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $css_file; ?>" />
+ <?php endforeach; ?>
+ <?php if($this->out_file_exists("js/script.js")) : ?>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->out_url("js/script.js"); ?>"></script>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php if($this->out_file_exists("js/actions/".$this->etat("mod").".js")) : ?>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->out_url("js/actions/".$this->etat("mod").".js"); ?>"></script>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php if($this->out_file_exists("js/actions/".$this->etat("mod")."_".$this->etat("controller").".js")) : ?>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->out_url("js/actions/".$this->etat("mod")."_".$this->etat("controller").".js"); ?>"></script>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php if($this->out_file_exists("js/actions/".$this->etat("mod")."_".$this->etat("controller")."_".$this->etat("action").".js")) : ?>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->out_url("js/actions/".$this->etat("mod")."_".$this->etat("controller")."_".$this->etat("action").".js"); ?>"></script>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php if($this->out_file_exists("css/style.css")) : ?>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->out_url("css/style.css"); ?>" />
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php if($this->out_file_exists("css/actions/".$this->etat("mod").".css")) : ?>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->out_url("css/actions/".$this->etat("mod").".css"); ?>" />
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php if($this->out_file_exists("css/actions/".$this->etat("mod")."_".$this->etat("controller").".css")) : ?>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->out_url("css/actions/".$this->etat("mod")."_".$this->etat("controller").".css"); ?>" />
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php if($this->out_file_exists("css/actions/".$this->etat("mod")."_".$this->etat("controller")."_".$this->etat("action").".css")) : ?>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->out_url("css/actions/".$this->etat("mod")."_".$this->etat("controller")."_".$this->etat("action").".css"); ?>" />
+ <?php endif; ?>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<h1>Mtweb - upgrade</h1>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<h2>Mise à jour des données</h2>
+ La base de données doit être mise à jour pour
+ <strong>mtweb.<?php echo $this->out["env_version"]; ?></strong>.
+<br /><br />
+ if(!($user = $this->user())) :
+ $data = $this->data();
+ $app_session_key = $data->app_session_key();
+<form id="login_form"
+ action="<?php echo $this->url("upgrade/user/login"); ?>"
+ method="post">
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>Identification</legend>
+ <p>
+ Identifiez-vous avec l'utilisateur que vous avez créé pendant l'installation du site.
+ </p>
+ <input type="hidden" name="pass" value="" />
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <label for="login">login</label>
+ <div class="form_input">
+ <input type="text" id="login" name="login" size="14" maxlength="25" />
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <label for="password">pass</label>
+ <div class="form_input">
+ <input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="14" maxlength="16" />
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <div class="form_single_button">
+ <input type="submit" value="Login" onclick="prepare_password('<?php echo $_SESSION[$app_session_key]["id"]; ?>')" />
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </fieldset>
+<?php else : ?>
+ <strong>Cette opération est risquée</strong>.
+<br />
+<pre class="debug">faites une sauvegarde de vos données
+avant de lancer la mise à jour de la base</pre>
+<br />
+<br />
+<ul class="buttons">
+ <li><a href="<?php echo $this->url("upgrade/index/confirm_upgrade"); ?>"
+ onclick="return confirm('Lancer l\'upgrade ?')">Lancer la mise à jour</a></li>
+ <li><a href="<?php echo $this->url("upgrade/user/logout"); ?>">Annuler</a></li>
+<?php endif; ?>
+ class mw_data extends empty_class{
+ function call_default($inst, $method_name, $arguments){
+ return $this->call_data_auto_crud($method_name, $arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ class mw_sgbd{
+ var $sgbd_impl;
+ var $env;
+ function mw_sgbd($sgbd_impl, $env){
+ $this->sgbd_impl = $sgbd_impl;
+ $this->env = $env;
+ }
+ function extention_ok(){
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->extention_ok($this->env);
+ }
+ function authentication_required(){
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->authentication_required();
+ }
+ function connect($host, $base, $user, $password){
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->connect($host, $base, $user, $password);
+ }
+ function select_db($db_name){
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->select_db($db_name);
+ }
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # SQL
+ #
+ function desc_table($table_name){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "desc_table")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->desc_table(
+ ($prefix_codes = array_keys($this->env->bdd("table_prefix"))) ?
+ str_replace($prefix_codes, array_values($this->env->bdd("table_prefix")), $table_name)
+ : $table_name
+ );
+ }
+ function table_exists($table_name){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "table_exists")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->table_exists(
+ ($prefix_codes = array_keys($this->env->bdd("table_prefix"))) ?
+ str_replace($prefix_codes, array_values($this->env->bdd("table_prefix")), $table_name)
+ : $table_name
+ );
+ }
+ function field_exists($table_name, $field_name){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "field_exists")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->field_exists(
+ (
+ $prefix_codes = array_keys($this->env->bdd("table_prefix"))) ?
+ str_replace($prefix_codes, array_values($this->env->bdd("table_prefix")), $table_name)
+ : $table_name,
+ $field_name
+ );
+ }
+ function query($sql){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "query")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->query(
+ ($prefix_codes = array_keys($this->env->bdd("table_prefix"))) ?
+ str_replace($prefix_codes, array_values($this->env->bdd("table_prefix")), $sql)
+ : $sql
+ );
+ }
+ function insert_id(){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "insert_id")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->insert_id();
+ }
+ function fetch_assoc($rst){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "fetch_assoc")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->fetch_assoc($rst);
+ }
+ function free_result($rst){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->free_result($rst);
+ }
+ function close(){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->close();
+ }
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # XML
+ #
+ function data_exists($data_path){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "data_exists")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->data_exists($data_path);
+ }
+ function create_data($data_path){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "create_data")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->create_data($data_path);
+ }
+ function get_data($data_path, $data_id){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "get_data")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->get_data($data_path, $data_id);
+ }
+ function open_data($data_path, $FETCH = true){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "open_data")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->open_data($data_path, $FETCH);
+ }
+ function fetch_data($dh){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "fetch_data")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->fetch_data($dh);
+ }
+ function add_data($data_path, $data, $index = null){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "add_data")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->add_data($data_path, $data, $index);
+ }
+ function last_index($dh){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "last_index")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->last_index($dh);
+ }
+ function set_data($data_path, $data_id, $data){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "set_data")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->set_data($data_path, $data_id, $data);
+ }
+ function del_data($data_path, $data_id){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "del_data")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->del_data($data_path, $data_id);
+ }
+ function close_data($dh){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "close_data")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->close_data($dh);
+ }
+ function remove_data($data_path){
+ if(!method_exists($this->sgbd_impl, "remove_data")) return false;
+ return $this->sgbd_impl->remove_data($data_path);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ class mw_env_data_upgrade extends mw_env{
+ var $data_upgrades;
+ function init_data_upgrades(){
+ $data_upgrade = new mw_data_upgrade($this);
+ $impl_dir = ($this->bdd("sgbd") == "xml" ? "xml" : "sql")."/";
+ $versions_dir = $this->path("mw_dir")."app/data/upgrades/".$impl_dir;
+ if(!is_dir($versions_dir)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!$data_upgrade->load_versions("mtweb", $versions_dir)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!isset($this->data_upgrades)) $this->data_upgrades = array();
+ $this->data_upgrades[] = $data_upgrade;
+ return true;
+ }
+ function data_upgrade_required(){
+ if(!isset($this->data_upgrades)) return false;
+ foreach($this->data_upgrades as $data_upgrade){
+ if($data_upgrade->upgrade_required()){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function do_data_upgrade(){
+ if(!isset($this->data_upgrades)) return false;
+ foreach($this->data_upgrades as $data_upgrade){
+ if($data_upgrade->upgrade_required() && ($res = $data_upgrade->do_upgrade()) !== true){
+ return $res;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ class mw_data_upgrade{
+ var $versions;
+ var $env;
+ function mw_data_upgrade($env){
+ $this->env = $env;
+ }
+ function env(){
+ return isset($this->env) ? $this->env : false;
+ }
+ function load_versions($application_name, $versions_dir){
+ if($dh = opendir($versions_dir)){
+ $versions_dir .= $versions_dir && substr($versions_dir, -1) != "/" ? "/" : "";
+ while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){
+ if(
+ substr($file, 0, 1) != "."
+ && !is_dir($versions_dir.$file)
+ && strcmp(substr($file, -4), ".php") == 0
+ ) $this->load_version($application_name, $versions_dir, $file);
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ }
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ function load_version($application_name, $versions_dir, $version_file){
+ if(
+ !$version_file
+ || !file_exists($versions_dir.$version_file)
+ || (substr($version_file, 0, 1) == ".")
+ || is_dir($versions_dir.$version_file)
+ || (substr($version_file, -4) != ".php")
+ ) return false;
+ $class_name = substr($version_file, 0, -4);
+ if(!class_exists($class_name)) require_once $versions_dir.$version_file;
+ if(!class_exists($class_name)) return false;
+ $version = new $class_name($this->env(), $application_name);
+ return $this->add_version($version);
+ }
+ function add_version($version){
+ if(!$version->version()) return false;
+ if(!isset($this->versions)) $this->versions = array();
+ $tmp = array();
+ $INSERTED = false;
+ foreach($this->versions as $_version){
+ if(version_compare($version->version(), $_version->version()) == 0){
+ $INSERTED = true;
+ }
+ elseif(version_compare($version->version(), $_version->version()) < 0){
+ $tmp[] = $version;
+ $tmp[] = $_version;
+ $INSERTED = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ $tmp[] = $_version;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$INSERTED) $tmp[] = $version;
+ $this->versions = $tmp;
+ return true;
+ }
+ function upgrade_required(){
+ if(!isset($this->versions)) return false;
+ foreach($this->versions as $version_number => $version){
+ if($version->upgrade_required()) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function do_upgrade(){
+ if(!isset($this->versions)) return true;
+ foreach($this->versions as $version_number => $version){
+ if($version->upgrade_required() && ($res = $version->do_upgrade()) !== true){
+ return $res;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ class mw_data_version{
+ var $env;
+ var $application_name;
+ function version(){
+ return false;
+ }
+ function mw_data_version($env, $application_name){
+ $this->env = $env;
+ $this->application_name = $application_name;
+ }
+ function env(){
+ return isset($this->env) ? $this->env : false;
+ }
+ function upgrade_required(){
+ if(!isset($this->application_name)) return false;
+ $env = $this->env();
+ $data = $env->data();
+ if(!($env_version = $env->version($this->application_name))) return false;
+ if(!($data_version = $data->version($this->application_name))) return true;
+ return version_compare($data_version, $env_version) < 0;
+ }
+ function do_upgrade(){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ class mw_env_webmaster extends mw_env{
+ function load_webmaster_session(){
+ $data = $this->data();
+ if(!($webmaster_user = $this->get_webmaster_user())) return array();
+ return $data->load_session($webmaster_user);
+ }
+ function get_webmaster_user(){
+ if(!file_exists($this->get_webmaster_user_file())) return array();
+ if(!($content = @file_get_contents($this->get_webmaster_user_file()))) return false;
+ $v_content = explode(":", $content);
+ if(count($v_content) != 2) return false;
+ return array(
+ "login" => trim($v_content[0]),
+ "password" => trim($v_content[1])
+ );
+ }
+ function set_webmaster_user($login, $password){
+ return @file_put_contents($this->get_webmaster_user_file(), $login.":".$password);
+ }
+ function get_webmaster_user_file(){
+ return $this->path("content")."data/.webmaster";
+ }
+ function webmaster_login($login, $password){
+ $data = $this->data();
+ if(!($webmaster_user = $this->get_webmaster_user())){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $data->login($login, $password, $webmaster_user);
+ }
+ }
var $config;
var $bdd;
var $error;
- var $DO_SETUP;
+ var $DO_INSTALL;
- function mw_app($path_file, $DO_SETUP = false){
- $this->DO_SETUP = $DO_SETUP;
+ function mw_app($path_file, $DO_INSTALL = false){
$this->path_file = $path_file;
$this->pathes = array();
$this->config_file = "";
if(!$this->init_config()) return $this->get_error();
if(!$this->init_env()) return $this->get_error();
- if($this->DO_SETUP){
- $this->setup();
+ if($this->DO_INSTALL){
+ $this->install();
return $this->get_error();
$env = $this->env();
- if(!$env->version("mtweb")){
- $this->error("impossible de lire la version du code");
- return $this->get_error();
- }
- $data = $env->data();
- if($data->version("mtweb") != $env->version("mtweb")){
+ if($env->data_upgrade_required()){
- if(!$this->DO_SETUP){
+ if(!$this->DO_INSTALL){
$this->error("fichier config.php manquant");
return false;
$env->load_config($this->bdd, $this->config);
+ $env->init_data_upgrades();
return true;
return true;
- function display(){
+ function run_mod($mod_name, $valid_role = true){
$env = $this->env();
- if($env->etat_is_valid()){
- $template = $env->get_template();
- $layout = $env->init_layout();
- $template->render_layout($layout);
+ $etat = false;
+ if(isset($_GET[$env->param("e")])){
+ $etat = $env->valid_etat($_GET[$env->param("e")]);
+ if(!$etat || ($etat["mod"] != $mod_name)){
+ $etat = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$etat){
+ $etat = $env->valid_etat($mod_name);
+ if(!$etat) return false;
+ $env->run($etat, array(), $valid_role);
+ return true;
- function setup(){
- $env = $this->env();
- $etat = isset($_GET[$env->param("e")]) ? $_GET[$env->param("e")] : "install";
- $env->run($etat, array(), false);
- $this->display();
+ function install(){
+ if($this->run_mod("install", false)){
+ $this->display();
+ }
function upgrade(){
- debug("la base de données doit être mise à jour");
+ if($this->run_mod("upgrade", false)){
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ }
+ function display(){
+ $env = $this->env();
+ if($env->etat_is_valid()){
+ $template = $env->get_template();
+ $layout = $env->init_layout();
+ $template->render_layout($layout);
+ }
function error($content){